Entrevista con el Profesor Jorge Arenas – Ernesto Accolti

Bienvenidos a la segunda entrega de Entrevistas con Acústicos Sudamericanos. Puede encontrar otras entrevistas en http://acousticstoday.org/entrevistas-con-acusticos-sudamericanos/ en español y en http://acousticstoday.org/interviews-south-american-acousticians/ en...

Interview with Professor Jorge Arenas – Ernesto Accolti

Welcome to the second installment of Interviews with South American Acousticians. You can find other interviews at http://acousticstoday.org/interviews-south-american-acousticians/ in English and at http://acousticstoday.org/entrevistas-con-acusticos-sudamericanos/ in...

Sound Production in Aquatic Mammals – Joy S. Reidenberg

2-reidenberg VIDEO CAPTIONS Video 1. Excerpt from Inside Nature’s Giants: Big Cats, Windfall Films, showing laryngoscopic demonstration of human vocal folds in action (Ariella Reidenberg, patient, and Dr. Peak Woo, laryngologist in New York), and an explanation of how...