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 Acoustics Today
A Publication of the Acoustical Society of America
 Volume 2, Issue 4 October 2006
  Cover: This year marks the 250th anniversary of the birth of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, a musical genius and brilliant intuitive acoustician. Mozart became famous at age 7, dazzling royalty and the public alike, when he toured Europe with his father and sister to exhibit his extraordinary talents. One gift that was found so astonishing was that he could name the pitch of a sound that was pre- sented in isolation, known as absolute pitch. (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756–1791), 1763, Lorenzoni, Peter Anton (1721–1782)/Mozart Museum, Salzburg, Austria/The Bridgeman Art Library.)
6 From the Editor: Dick Stern
8 From The Executive Director: Charles E. Schmid
11 The Enigma of Absolute Pitch—Diana Deutsch Absolute pitch is often regarded as a mysterious endow- ment available only to a few gifted individuals; however, the real mystery concerning this ability is not why some people possess it, but rather why it is so rare.
21 Structural Acoustics Tutorial, Part 1: Vibrations in Structures—Stephen A. Hambric
Learn how vibrating structures interact with air and water using simulations and measurements to explain structural acoustics.
34 Seventy-five Years of History of the Acoustical Society of America—Charles E. Schmid and Elaine Moran
A brief history of the ASA’s formation and development.
46 Excerpts from ECHOES
51 Standards: How an Idea Becomes a Standard—Susan B. Blaeser and Paul D. Schomer
Have you ever wondered how standards are developed and approved? This article gives a behind-the-scenes look at the ASA national standards development program.
55 Regional Chapters: A Bounty of Opportunities—Juan I. Arvelo, Jr. and Elizabeth A. McLaughlin
Interested in a leadership position? The ASA wants you!
60 Passings—Dick Stern
A farewell to colleagues.
62 National News—Elaine Moran
Acoustical news from around the country.
66 International News—Walter G. Mayer Acoustical news from around the world.
68 The Library—Dick Stern
New and recent publications, reports, and brochures on acoustics.
69 The Lab—Dick Stern
New and recent acoustic instrumentation and news about acoustic instrument manufacturers.
70 Classified advertisements, including positions offered and positions desired
Business Cards
71 Business card advertisements 72 Index to Advertisers
Table of Contents 5

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