Page 38 - Fall 2007
P. 38
J. Brian Fowlkes
Bill Elliot
Sid P. Bacon
Photo courtesy of Arizona State Univ. Photo by Tom Story.
and scholarships, including the Robert Bradford Newman Student Award in Architectural Acoustics.
Sid Bacon fills dean's spot for Natural Sciences
Sid P. Bacon, an ASA Fellow and former Associate Editor of the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, is the new Dean of the Division of Natural Sciences in Arizona State University’s (ASU) College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Professor Bacon is an auditory psychophysicist at the Tempe, Arizona- based research university.
His appointment as dean of the college’s largest division is the latest leadership role held by Bacon since his arrival at ASU in 1988 as an associate professor in the Department of Speech and Hearing Science. He served as director of the interdisciplinary doctor- al program in the department, and later as acting chair and then chair. This past December, Bacon was tapped to serve as interim dean of the Division of Natural Sciences, a position recently made permanent.
As department chair, Bacon headed a unit of 12 tenured/tenure track faculty who oversaw $3.4 million in research expenditures. He also coordinated and taught an undergraduate research semi- nar in the Department of Speech and Hearing Science—a role in which he will continue to serve. This program identifies and nurtures talented juniors
with the goal of maintaining a pipeline of researchers and teaching faculty in the field, Bacon says.
In his new role as dean of the Division of Natural Sciences, Bacon will manage nine academic units, including the School of Earth and Space Exploration, the School of Life Sciences, the School of Materials, and the depart- ments of chemistry and biochemistry, kinesiology, mathematics and statistics, physics, psychology, and speech and hearing science. There are 339 tenured/tenure track faculty in the divi- sion and his goal is to support an envi- ronment of rewarding excellence for scholarship. Additionally, Bacon wants to help the division be a leader in the state for K-12 education in science and math.
Bacon will continue his research and work with undergraduate students, graduate students and postdoctoral fel- lows in the Psychoacoustics Laboratory, concentrating primarily on behavioral aspects of hearing. His research, which has been funded continuously by the National Institutes of Health for more than 20 years, has implications for the way in which humans perceive sounds such as speech and music.
Bacon, who grew up in Salina, Kansas, has a doctorate in experimen- tal psychology from the University of Minnesota, and a Master’s in audiology, and a Bachelor’s in speech pathology and audiology from the University of Kansas.
Award for outstanding contributions and service to the expanding future of ultrasound in medicine by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine.
Bill Elliot joins Cavanaugh Tocci Associates, Inc.
Cavanaugh Tocci Associates has announced that Bill Elliot has joined the firm as a Senior Consultant. Bill has Bachelors degrees in Physics and Architectural Design from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a Masters degree in Architectural Acoustics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Prior to joining Cavanaugh Tocci, Bill worked for RPG Diffusor Systems, manufacturers of specialty acoustic fin- ish products. Bill gained experience in their laboratories developing and test- ing new acoustic products, advising architects on product applications, and acting as project manager for custom installations. At Cavanaugh Tocci Associates Inc., Bill’s work will include projects in architectural acoustics con- sulting, sound and vibration isolation, noise control in HVAC systems, and acoustic finish treatments. Bill is profi- cient in computer modeling of interior room acoustics, and he will be using these skills to help design theaters, musical performance and rehearsal facilities, and worship spaces.
Bill has won a number of awards
36 Acoustics Today, October 2007