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 17 Ref 10, p. 46; Ref 11, p. 88.
18 W. Bernardi, P. Manzini, and R. Marcuccio, (Eds.) Giambattista
Venturi. Scienziato, Ingegnere, Intellettuale fra età dei Lumi e
Classicismo (Olschki, Florence, 2005).
19 Ref 9, p. 389.
20 Ref 9, p. 386.
21 Lord Rayleigh, “Our perception of the direction of a source of
sound,” Nature 7, 32-33 (1876).
22 B. Bowers, Sir Charles Wheatstone F.R.S. 1802-1875 (Her
Majesty’s Stationery Office, London, 1975).
23 N. J. Wade, “Charles Wheatstone (1802-1875),” Perception 31,
265-272 (2002).
24 N. J. Wade, “Philosophical instruments and toys: Optical devices
extending the art of seeing,” J. of the History of the
Neurosciences 13, 102-124 (2004).
25 N. J. Wade, “Sound and sight: acoustic figures and visual phe-
nomena,” Perception 34, 1275-1290 (2005).
26 C. Wheatstone, “Contributions to the physiology of vision - Part
the first. On some remarkable, and hitherto unobserved, phe- nomena of binocular vision,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 128, 371-394 (1838).
27 C. Wheatstone, “Experiments on audition,” Quarterly J. of Science, Literature and Art 24, 67-72 (1827).
28 Ref 27, p. 69.
29 Ref 27, p. 71.
30 H. E. Ross, and D. J. Murray, E. H. Weber: The Sense of Touch
(Academic Press, London, 1978). Weber’s two monographs on the sense of touch, the first in Latin and the second in German, are translated in this book.
31 E. H. Weber, and W. Weber, Wellenlehre, auf Experimente gegründet, oder über die Wellen tropfbarer Flüssigkeiten, mit Anwendung auf die Schall- und Lichtwellen (Gerhard Fleischer, Leipzig, 1825).
32 H. Dove, “Über die Combination der Eindrücke beider Ohren und beider Augen zu einem Eindruck,” Monatsberichte der Berliner preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften 41, 251-252 (1841).
33 Ref 30, p. 147.
34 A. Seebeck, “Beiträge zur Physiologie des Gehör- und
Gesichtssinnes,” Annalen der Physik und Chemie 68, 449-465
35 G. T. Fechner, Über einige Verhältnisse des binocularen Sehens
(Hirzel, Leipzig, 1860).
36 J. E. Kunke, Gustav Theodor Fechner (Dr. Mises). Ein deutsches
Gelehrtenleben (Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, 1892).
37 Ref 12, pp. 197-198.
38 R. T. H. Laennec, Traité de l'Auscultation Médiate (Chaudé,
Paris, 1819).
39 N. Comins, “New stethoscope,” London Medical Gazette 4, 427-
430 (1829). p. 430.
40 Ref 12, p. 197.
41 Ref 12, p. 201.
42 Ref 12, pp. 196-197.
43 Ref 12, p. 204.
44 Ref 12, p. 205.
45 Ref 12, p. 205.
46 S. S. Alison, “The physical examination of the chest in pul-
monary consumption and its intercurrent diseases,” British and
Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review 28, 145-154 (1861).
47 S. P. Thompson, “On binaural beats,” London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and J. of Science 4, 274-276
48 S. P. Thompson, “Phenomena of binaural audition,” London,
 Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and J. of Science
6, 383-391 (1878).
49 S. P. Thompson, “The pseudophone,” London, Edinburgh, and
Dublin Philosophical Magazine and J. of Science 8, 385-390
50 C. Wheatstone, “Contributions to the physiology of vision – Part
the second. On some remarkable, and hitherto unobserved, phe- nomena of binocular vision,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 142, 1-17 (1852).
51 Ref 49, p. 385.
52 Ref 49, p. 387.
53 A. Steinhauser, Die Theorie des binaurealen Hörens. Ein Beitrag
zur Lehre vom Schalle (Gerold, Vienna, 1877).
54 A. Steinhauser, “The theory of binaural audition. A contribution
to the theory of sound,” London, Edinburgh, and Dublin
Philosophical Magazine and J. of Science 7, 181-182 (1879).
55 S. P. Thompson, “On the function of two ears in the perception of space,” London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical
Magazine and J. of Science 13, 406-416 (1882).
56 Lord Rayleigh, “On our perception of the direction of a source of
sound,” London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical
Magazine and J. of Science 13, 214–323 (1907).
57 C. Stumpf, “Binaurale Tonmischung, Mehrheitsschwelle und
Mitteltonbildung,” Zeitschrift für Psychologie 75, 330-350 (1916).
58 R. M. Stern, G. J. Brown, and D-L. Wang, “Binaural sound local- ization”, in Computational Auditory Scene Analysis, edited by D- L. Wang, and G.J. Brown (Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 2005), pp. 147-
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