Page 4 - Summer 2008
P. 4

 Acoustics Today
A Publication of the Acoustical Society of America
 Volume 4, Issue 3 July 2008
  Cover: The faces shown in perceptual portraits are not always easy to dis- cern—the viewer needs to apply the power of perception in order to extract the facial features from the design which carries the portraits. They general- ly consist of two elements—the portrait and some appropriate motif. Chladni is embedded in his acoustic figures; Wheatstone is in his stereoscope; Weber is shown three times but two portraits are near to threshold in curves that correspond to psychometric functions (the colors represent those he exam- ined for binocular color rivalry); Fechner is hidden in the area of uncertain- ty of psychometric functions; and Thompson is combined in complementary colors in the normal head orientation and left-right reversed, so that the eyes are reversed as in pseudoscopic vision.
5 The President’s Perspective—Mark F. Hamilton Departments:
34 National News—Elaine Moran
6 Signal Processing in Acoustics: Science or Science Fiction?—James V. Candy
Are the results real or are they wishful thinking?
16 Binaural Hearing: Before and After the Stethophone— Nicholas J. Wade and Diana Deutsch
The late eighteenth century witnessed many revolutions in both science and society—one of these was binaural hearing.
28 Managing Acoustic Feedback: MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS) Contact Microphones for Musical Instruments—Rob O’Reilly, Alex Khenkin and Kieran Harney
MEMS accelerometers mounted on musical instruments can achieve astounding reproduction of sound without risk of feedback.
Acoustical news from around the country.
38 International News—Walter G. Mayer Acoustical news from around the world.
41 Books and Publications—Dick Stern
New and recent publications, reports, and brochures on acoustics.
42 Instrumentation—Dick Stern
New and recent acoustic instrumentation and news about acoustic instrument manufacturers.
43 Passings—Dick Stern A farewell to colleagues
Business Directory
45 Business card advertisements
46 Classified
Classified advertisements, including positions offered and positions desired.
48 Index to Advertisers
Table of Contents 3

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