Page 10 - Summer 2010
P. 10
Fig. 2. The helical model of pitch. Musical pitch is depicted as varying along both a linear dimension of height and also a circular dimension of pitch class. The helix completes one full turn per octave, so that tones that stand in octave relation are in close spatial proximity, as shown by D#, D#’, and D#.”
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To demonstrate that such tones have circular properties when the position of the spectral envelope remains fixed, Shepard presented listeners with ordered pairs of such tones, and they judged for each pair whether it formed an ascend- ing or a descending pattern. When the tones within a pair were separated by a small distance along the pitch class circle, judgments of relative height were determined entirely by proximity. As the distance between the tones increased, the tendency to follow by proximity lessened, and when the tones were separated by a half-octave, averaging across pitch class- es and across a large group of subjects, ascending and
an intriguing demonstration: When the pitch class circle is repeatedly traversed in clockwise steps, one obtains the impression of a scale that ascends endlessly in pitch: C# sounds higher than C; D as higher than C#, D# as higher than D; A# as higher than A; B as higher than A#; C as higher than B; and so on endlessly. One such scale is presented in Sound
descending judgments occurred equally often.
Shepard then employed such a bank of tones to produce
Fig. 3. Spectral representation of Shepard’s algorithm for generating pitch circular- ity. Circularity is obtained by rigidly shifting the partials up or down in log fre- quency, while the spectral envelope is held fixed. As examples, the red lines represent
partials at note C, and the blue lines represent partials at note C#. Adapted from
Demonstration 1 (See Sidebar). When the circle is traversed in counterclockwise steps, the scale appears to descend end- lessly instead. This pitch paradox has been used to accompa- ny numerous videos of bouncing balls, stick men, and other objects traversing the Penrose staircase, with each step accompanied by a step along the Shepard scale.
Jean-Claude Risset has produced remarkable variants of
5, 6
One set of vari- ants consists of endlessly ascending and descending glissan- di. Sound Demonstration 2 presents an example. In other variants, the dimensions of pitch height and pitch class are decoupled by moving the position of the spectral envelope in
this illusion, using the same basic principle.
Pitch Circularity 9