Page 24 - Volume 12, Issue 2 - Spring 2012
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by the inherent limitation in the speech processors that are used in today’s CIs. The hardware and signal processing in the implantable devices are far from ideal as far as providing binaural cues with fidelity. Bilateral CI users are essentially fit with two separate monaural systems. Speech processing strategies in clinical processors utilize pulsatile, non-simulta- neous multi-channel stimulation, whereby a bank of band pass filters is used to filter the incoming signal into numer- ous frequency bands (ranging from 12 to 22), and to send specific frequency ranges to individual electrodes. The enve- lope of the signal is extracted from the output of each band and is used to set stimulation levels for each frequency band; thus, fine-structure is discarded. Although ITDs in the envelopes may be present, because the processors have inde- pendent switch-on times, the ITD can vary dynamically and unreliably (van Hoesel, 2004, 2011). In addition, the micro- phones are not placed in the ear in a manner that maximizes the capture of directional cues such as spectrum and level cues. Microphone characteristics, independent automatic gain control and compression settings distort the monaural and interaural level directional cues that would otherwise be present in the horizontal plane. In an ideal situation, speech processors would provide bilateral CI users with binaural cues, similar to those available to normal-hearing listeners.
In summary, this paper focuses on the ability of humans to understand speech in complex noisy environments, and to benefit from spatial separation of maskers from target speech. Both binaural and monaural cues play a role in pro- viding this benefit. The effect size can depend on the extent to which listeners “need” spatial cues for source segregation. That is, when other auditory cues are unavailable, such as when target/masker similarity is high, spatial cues are espe- cially relevant, thus SRM can be large. SRM also varies, depending on the population of listeners being tested, and the integrity of their binaural auditory system. While mon- aural cues are generally seen in all listeners, when head shad- ow is available, binaural cues are only useful when preserved and presented to the auditory system with fidelity.AT
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