Page 6 - Volume 12, Issue 2 - Spring 2012
P. 6

 Acoustics Today
A Publication of the Acoustical Society of America
 Volume 8, Issue 2 April 2012
  Cover: A stylized view of the early stages of the hearing process, which defines the initial physiological activity that eventually elicits various features of the perceptual hearing described by several presentations in this issue of Acoustics Today. Adapted with permission from Dallos: The Auditory Periphery (Academic Press, New York, 1973).
6 From the Editor
6 From the Guest Editor
8 Acoustical Tests of Middle-Ear and Cochlear Function in Infants and Adults—Douglas H. Keefe
Wideband acoustical measurements in the ear canal can help to identify hearing loss in infants and adults.
18 Spatial Release from Masking—Ruth Y. Litovsky Spatial release from masking is one of the brain’s tools for helping us function in chaos and noise.
26 Tonal Language Processing—Fan-Gang Zeng Tones are not just for tonal languages
29 Hearing Loss and Frequency Analysis of Complex Sounds—Marjorie Leek and Michelle Molis
The effects of hearing loss are not limited to a loss of sensitivity, but also include impairments to other critical functions of auditory processing, especially the spectral analysis of sounds.
34 Physiological Correlates of Perceptual Deficits Following Sensorineural Hearing Loss—Michael G. Heinz Recent psychoacoustical evidence suggests that listeners with sensorineural hearing loss have significant deficits in their sensitivity to the temporal fine structure of sound; however, physiological studies suggest the basis for these deficits is not simply diminished temporal cod- ing strength in the auditory periphery.
42 Auditory Cortical Function: Insights from Current Approaches—Christoph E. Schreiner, Patrick O. Kanold, Hisayuki Ojima, Shihab A. Shamma, and Steven G. Lomber An expanding array of innovative approaches has been
used to explore the organization, processing, and behav- ioral/perceptual contributions of the auditory cortex to the sounds we hear.
51 Wind Turbines and Ghost Stories: The Effects of Infrasound on the Human Auditory System— Hsuan-hsiu Annie Chen and Peter Narins
With wind turbines generating substantial levels of infrasound and low frequency sound, modifications and regulations to wind farm engineering plans and geo- graphical placements are necessary to minimize com- munity exposure and potential human health risks.
57 Acoustical News—Elaine Moran
Acoustical news from around the country and around the world.
60 Books and Publications—Dick Stern
New and recent reports, publications, and brochures on acoustics.
61 Instrumentation—Dick Stern
New and recent acoustic instrumentation and news about acoustic instrument manufacturers.
63 Passings—Dick Stern A farewell to colleagues
Business Directory
66 Business card advertisements
67 Classified
Classified advertisements, including positions offered and positions desired.
68 Index to Advertisers
Table of Contents 5

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