Page 63 - Volume 12, Issue 2 - Spring 2012
P. 63

 Scantek, Inc., announced that one of its suppliers, Olive Tree Labs, is offering free barrier calculation software for a volun- tary and strictly optional donation of any amount to the Acoustical Society Foundation Fund. The Fund has enabled the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) to provide a wide variety of scholarships, grants, fellowships, and other assis- tance to help hundreds of acousticians in the pursuit of their research and education thereby advancing the field of acoustics.
The Olive Tree Lab—Barrier Calculator is a tool used for calculating the effects of infinite thin barriers from a source to a receiver. The application uses the Hadden- Pierce (Salomons) diffraction model to calculate the Insertion Loss and Barrier Excess Attenuation for a barrier.
The calculations are done from 1 Hz to 10,000 Hz with a step of 10 Hz. The results are displayed in a high resolution graph as well as in 1/1 Octave and 1/3 Octave averaged graphs. The calculation takes into consideration the Flow Resistivity of the barrier and the ground by calculating the Spherical Wave Reflection Coefficient and can therefore be used to calculate the effects of using absorptive barriers or different ground types.
To obtain the software or to make a voluntary contribu- tion to ASA, or to do both, click on http://www. mediter- All donations are directly sent to the Acoustical Society Foundation Fund through PayPal. Contact: PeppinR
62 Acoustics Today, April 2012

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