Page 12 - Volume 8, Issue 1 Winter 2013
P. 12

                                          bility of populations. Animals to be covered may poten- tially include commercially-grown food animals; animals harvested for food in the wild; pets; laboratory animals; exotic species in zoos, oceanaria or aquariums; or free- ranging wild animals.
S12, Noise, is the youngest of our S committees, with an age of about 30 years. S12 develops standards with such top- ics as environmental noise measurement and assessment, measurement of sound power, measurement of hearing pro- tectors, etc. The scope of ASC S12 is:
Standards, specifications, and terminology in the field of acoustical noise pertaining to methods of measurement, evaluation, and control; including biological safety, toler- ance and comfort, and physical acoustics as related to environmental and occupational noise.
The TAGs
The standards program currently administers 9 TAGs corresponding to the 9 ISO/IEC committees or subcommit- tees in which we participate. First, we participate in ISO/TC 108, Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring, and in 4 of its subcommittees, for a total of 5 TAGs. Second, we participate in ISO/TC 43, Acoustics, and 2 of its subcom- mittees, for a total of 3 TAGs. Finally, we participate in IEC/ TC 29, Electroacoustics. Table 1 lists these 9 TAGs. The scopes for the Technical Committees and the Subcommittees that have their own scopes follow.
The scope of ISO TC 29 is:
To prepare International Standards related to instrumen- tation and methods of measurements in the field of elec- troacoustics.
Excluded from the scope are:
• standards for sound and video recording as dealt
with by TC 100;
• standards for equipment in the field of audio and
audiovisual engineering as dealt with by TC 100; • standards and terminology for ultrasonic tech-
niques dealt with by TC 87.
The scope of ISO TC 43 is:
Standardization in the field of acoustics, including meth- ods of measuring acoustical phenomena, their genera- tion, transmission and reception, and all aspects of their effects on man and his environment. Excluded: electroa- coustics and the implementation of specifications of the characteristics of measuring instruments for acoustic purposes.
The scope of ISO TC 108 is:
Standardization in the fields of mechanical vibration and shock and the effects of vibration and shock on humans, machines, vehicles (air, sea, land and rail) and stationary structures, and of the condition monitoring of machines and structures, using multidisciplinary approaches.
Specific areas of current interest include the standardiza- tion of:
• terminology and nomenclature in the fields of mechanical vibration, mechanical shock and con- dition monitoring;
• measurement, analysis and evaluation of vibration and shock, e.g., signal processing methods, struc- tural dynamics analysis methods, transducer and vibration generator calibration methods, etc.;
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