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                                 Acoustics Today
A Publication of the Acoustical Society of America
 Volume 8, Issue 3 July 2012
  Cover: A deep-sea giant cusk eel on Davidson Seamount at 2,677 m depth. So far, no deep-sea fish sounds have been positively identified. Photo: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
6 From the Editor
6 From the Guest Editor
8 Remote Sensing of Fish Using Passive Acoustic Monitoring—David A. Mann
Passive acoustic monitoring of fish sound production provides a powerful, non-invasive method to study fish distribution and reproduction over the same spatial and temporal scales as oceanographic variation.
16 Bioacoustical Monitoring in Terrestrial Environments—Kurt M. Fristrup and Dan Mennitt Digital audio recorders and innovative microphone designs are creating unprecedented opportunities to eavesdrop on nature and preserve archival records of ecological conditions.
25 Counting Critters in the Sea Using Active Acoustics—
Joseph D. Warren
Active acoustics provides marine scientists a unique tool
to assess the abundance and distribution of many types of marine life.
35 Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Estimating Animal Density—Len Thomas and Tiago A. Marques
Passive acoustics offers an alternative to traditional visu- al survey methods for animals that are easier to hear than to see.
45 Acoustical News—Elaine Moran
Acoustical news from around the country and around the world.
48 Errata—Dick Stern Business Directory
50 Business card advertisements
51 Classified
Classified advertisements, including positions offered and positions desired.
52 Index to Advertisers
 Table of Contents 5

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