Page 43 - Volume 9, Issue 3
P. 43

                                    Fig. 3. An interference pattern with a uniform upward refracting profile in water of 100m depth. The waveguide invariant b = -3, and the striations bend in the oppo- site direction from those in Fig. 1.
fringes regardless of their shape. Figure 3 shows an example for the uniform sound speed gradient case where a and co are constants
Using standard analytical techniques the cycle time and dis- tance formulas are
izontal dashed line shows the depth of the receiver used in the main plot.
Finally there is an interesting case of a parametrised pro- file that can display more or less all the properties of the oth- ers by altering a single parameter p.
(15) (Actually, a very similar solution is also available for c2(z) =
c 2/(1-(az)p).) This can be imagined as a one-sided function o
with 0 < z < ∞, in which case z = 0 represents a reflecting sur- face, or alternatively it can be imagined as a fully refracting, two-sided function with – ∞ < z < ∞. Now the analytical solution for b is
Fig. 4. Vertical fringes for the cosh profile where there is perfect focusing (as shown by the superimposed ray trace) which results in the ray cycle distance being inde- pendent of angle so that b = ∞. A raytrace is superimposed (blue).
  where θo is measured at the low sound speed boundary. Here b = -3 and the fringes can be seen to tilt in the opposite direc- tion to those in Fig. 1.
Another important case is the “cosh” profile
which results in perfect, repeated focusing with
    By definition these perfect focuses mean that the cycle dis- tance is independent of angle. In the context of interference fringes it sits on the dividing line between positive and nega- tive values of b, and it is pathological since b is infinite, and the fringes, as shown in Fig. 4, are vertical, i.e. independent of frequency. Superimposed on this plot is a ray diagram showing the repeated upper and lower focus points. The hor-
 42 Acoustics Today, July 2013
Fig. 5. Normalised sound speed profiles c2 = co2(1+(az)p) for various values of the parameter p for which solutions are available. These can be regarded as one-sided functions (with zero depth representing a reflecting surface), or alternatively as fully refracting two-sided functions.

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