Page 8 - Volume 9, Issue 3
P. 8

                                                and misstatements that have propagated through the years that have led to erroneous conclusions and which complicate the issue of trying to determine what the effects are that are associated with this low-frequency noise.
On the other end of the spectrum, there is no disagree- ment that military jet engine noise is very loud and that it would be good to be able to attenuate it, through either design or control. However, this jet noise also represents a complex noise source, and while much understanding has been gained over the years, there is still much that is not understood. In their article, Kent Gee et al. overview some of the previous
work in this area that has led to a greater understanding of this complex noise source. They also present more recent near-field measurement data they have taken that is being used to work towards a better understanding of the source properties, with the hope of using a better characterization of the noise source to guide efforts to modify and attenuate the acoustic radiation.
Whether loud or soft, we live in a world where we are sur- rounded by noise of one sort or another. I hope you will enjoy browsing through this issue to gain more understanding of some of the intriguing work that is ongoing in the area of noise.
- rejuvenated
• Improved robustness
• Improved access to and mounting of ear simulators • Improved, standardized tripod mounting
• Various application-specific kits
    We make microphones
From the Guest Editor 7

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