Page 40 - Fall2013
P. 40

 Allan D. Pierce
Acoustical Society of America Publications Office West Barnstable, MA 02668
 ful conclusion.
Susan Fox will replace Charles
Schmid, who was the first Executive Director of the Society and who is retiring at the end of 2013. Schmid began service in 1990 and received the Society’s Distinguished Service Citation at the Society’s meeting in Paris in the summer of 2008.
Ms. Fox comes to the Acoustical Society from the Arctic Research Consortium of the U. S. (ARCUS) where she served as Executive Director since April 2009. ARCUS, with head- quarters in Fairbanks, Alaska, was founded in 1988 as a nonprofit consor- tium of educational and scientific organizations that have a substantial commitment to arctic research. Institutional members well known also for interests in acoustical research include the University of Washington and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
From 2006 to 2008, Susan Fox served as Vice President of the Forbes Group, a high-level organization which provides strategic management and counseling services to organizations in the nonprofit sector. From 2002 to 2007, Susan Fox was the Executive Director of the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL), which is a nonprofit educational organization with over 5,000 members worldwide. Its membership includes law library professionals and its mission is to pro- mote and enhance the value of law libraries to the legal and public com- munities, to foster the profession of law librarianship, and to provide leadership in the field of legal information and information policy.
From 1994 to 2002, Ms. Fox was the Executive Director of the Society of
 American Archivists (SAA), an organi- zation founded in 1937 and which is North America’s oldest and largest archival professional association. Its vision is to enable archivists to achieve professional excellence and foster innovation, preservation, and use of records of enduring value. The SAA publishes a journal, the American Archivist, and a newsletter, the Archival Outlook, an on-membership benefit and which is published 6 times a year.
Earlier associations in Ms. Fox’ s career include the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard (1998-1992) and International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (1984- 1988). She was an employee of the lat- ter organization when it received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985.
Susan Fox received a Bachelor of Science in Communications from Boston University in 1976 and a Master of Science in Pubic Affairs in 1992 from the McCormick Graduate School for Public Affairs of the University of Massachusetts.
The officers and staff of the Acoustical Society are looking forward with great anticipation to working with Susan Fox, as the Society continues, through the 21st century, to fulfill its mission to increase and diffuse the knowledge of acoustics and to promote its practical applications.
Susan Fox to be ASA’s Executive Director
 Acoustics Today, at the time this issue was going to press, has learned that Susan E. Fox has agreed to become the next Executive Director of the Acoustical Society of America. Ms. Fox’s appointment is the culmination of a lengthy search process that began at the time of the Kansas City meeting of the Society last October. A search committee was appointed by then ASA President David L. Bradley and was chaired by former ASA President Mardi Hastings, and included other ASA former Presidents, David Blackstock,William Yost, Gilles Daigle, and Jim West. The Search Committee was active since the beginning of this year, and the position of a new Executive Director was extensively advertised, and there were 64 applica- tions. The Committee made its report to the Executive Council on September 10, and the President of the Society, James Miller, subsequently carried out the formal process of offer- ing the position to Ms. Fox. Acoustics Today has recently learned that the process has been brought to a success-
Charles Schmid (l). Mardi Hastings (r).
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