Page 26 - Spring 2015
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The Underwater sound field from Impact Pile Driving and Its Potential effects on Marine life
Peter Dahl is with the University of Washington where he is a senior principal engineer at the Applied Physics Laboratory, and professor in Mechanical Engineering. His primary research field is under- water sound, for which he and his students have conducted numerous at-sea experiments and developed
interpretative models, to address basic and applied prob- lems of interest to the navy. He is also actively involved in research on generation and propagation of high-level un- derwater sound such as from pile driving and explosives, and also consults on these issues through info@hydrodb. com. He recently completed serving as Vice President of Acoustical Society of America.
Christ de Jong is a senior scientist in the Acoustics and Sonar department of the Netherlands organization for applied scientific research TNO, where he is working in the fields of underwater acoustics and ship acoustics. He has been involved in various projects for the Royal Neth- erlands Navy aimed at managing the underwater acoustic ship signatures.
Since 2007 his field of interest has expanded into studies of the environmental impact of anthropogenic underwater sound: (standardization of) measurement methods, char- acterization of sound sources and studies of the impact of sound on marine mammals and fish.
Arthur Popper is professor emeri- tus of Biology at the University of Maryland and editor of Acoustics Today. His research interests have most recently evolved into a focus on applied issues on effects of man- made sound on aquatic animals. He is also the editor of the Springer Handbook of Auditory Research
(SHAR), a series of over 51 books that are very widely used in the auditory community. Among his other activities in “retirement,” Dr. Popper is co-director of Terrapin Teachers (, a program that gives college STEM majors an added career option as high school science or math teachers.
Bailey, H., Brookes, K. L., and Thompson, P. M. (2014). Assessing environ- mental impacts of offshore wind farms: Lessons learned and recommen- dations for the future. Aquatic Biosystems 10, 8.
Bellmann, M. (2014). Overview of existing noise mitigation systems for re- ducing pile-driving noise. In Proceedings of Inter.Noise 2014, Melbourne, Australia, November 16-19, 2014.
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Bolle, L. J., de Jong, C. A., Bierman, S. M., van Beek, P. J., van Keeken, O. A., Wessels, P. W., van Damme, C. J., Winter, H. V., de Haan, D., and Dekeling, R. P. (2012). Common sole larvae survive high levels of pile-driving sound in controlled exposure experiments. PLoS ONE 7, e33052. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0033052.
Brandt, M. J., Diederichs, A., Betke, K., and Nehls, G. (2011). Responses of harbour porpoises to pile driving at the Horns Rev II offshore wind farm in the Danish North Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 421, 205–216.
Casper, B. M., Halvorsen, M. B., Mathews, F., Carlson, T. J., and Popper, A. N. (2013a). Recovery of barotrauma injuries resulting from exposure to pile driving sounds in two sizes of hybrid striped bass. PLoS ONE 8, e73844. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0073844.
Casper, B. M., Popper, A. N., Matthews, F., Carlson, T. J., and Halvorsen, M. B. (2012). Recovery of barotrauma injuries in Chinook salmon, On- corhynchus tshawytscha from exposure to pile driving sound. PLoS ONE 7, e39593. Available at doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039593.
Casper, B. M., Smith, M. E., Halvorsen, M. B., Sun, H., Carlson, T. J., and Popper, A. N. (2013b). Effects of exposure to pile driving sounds on fish inner ear tissues. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 166, 352- 360.
Dahl, P. H., and Reinhall, P. G. (2013). Beam forming of the underwater sound field from impact pile driving. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Express Letters 134, EL1–EL6.
Dahl, P. H., Reinhall, P. G., and Farrell, D. M. (2012). Transmission Loss and Range, Depth Scales Associated with Impact Pile Driving. In Proceed- ings of the 11th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics 2012, Edin- burgh, UK, July 2-6, 2012, 34, 1860-1867.
Debusschere, E., De Coensel, B., Bajek, A., Botteldooren, D., Hostens, K., Vanaverbeke, J., Vandendriessche, S., Van Ginderdeuren, K., Vincx, M., and Degraer, S. (2014). In situ mortality experiments with juvenile sea bass Dicentrarchus labra in relation to impulsive sound levels caused by pile driving of windmill foundations. PLoS ONE 9, e109280. Available at doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0109280.
Ellison, W. T., Southall, B. L., Clark, C. W., and Frankel, A. S. (2012). A new context-based approach to assess marine mammal behavioral responses to anthropogenic sounds. Conservation Biology 26, 21–28.
Fay, R. R., and Popper, A. N. (2000). Evolution of hearing in vertebrates: The inner ears and processing. Hearing Research 149, 1-10.
Halvorsen, M. B., Casper, B. M., Matthews, F., Carlson, T. J., and Popper, A. N. (2012b). Effects of exposure to pile driving sounds on the lake sturgeon, Nile tilapia, and hogchoker. Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences 279, 4705-4714. Available at doi:10.1098/rspb.2012.154.
Halvorsen, M. B., Casper, B. M, Woodley, C. M., Carlson, T. J., and Popper, A. N. (2012a). Threshold for onset of injury in Chinook salmon from ex- posure to impulsive pile driving sounds. PLoS ONE 7, e38968. Available at doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0038968.
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