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A publication of the Acoustical Society of America
The Cover
Volume 11 | Issue 3 | Summer 2015
Today 46 Psychoacoustics: A Brief Historical Overview
6 From the Editor
7 From the President
Featured Articles
10 Update on Acoustical Society of America Publications from the Editor in Chief
- James F. Lynch
JASA may be a world renowned journal, but there are many other good journals extant in the world. How can we improve and modern- ize JASA to be competitive in an aggressive and changing publishing environment?
14 Nonreciprocal Acoustics
- Romain Fleury, Dimitrios Sounas, Michael R. Haberman and Andrea Alù
New nonreciprocal acoustic devices put sound on a one-way street.
22 Lending an Ear in the Courtroom: Forensic Acoustics - Robert C. Maher
Forensic acoustics deals with acquisition, analy- sis, and evaluation of audio recordings to be used as evidence in an official legal inquiry.
30 Reading, Writing, and the Acoustical Society of America - Allan D. Pierce
The idea that all authors, or their sponsors, or their institutions, pay for all the costs of publi- cation and of ensuring perpetual access seems extremely unreasonable.
36 Where the Decibels Hit the Water: Perspectives on the Application of Science to Real-World Underwater Noise and Marine Protected Spe- cies Issues - Amy R. Scholik-Schlomer
It is critical to try to avoid or mitigate potential impacts of man-made sounds on protected ma- rine species.
- William A. Yost
From Pythagoras to Helmholtz to Fletcher to Green and Swets, a centuries-long historical overview of psychoacoustics.
54 Book Announcement and Review:
ASA PRESS/Springer: Model-Based Processing for Underwater Acoustic Arrays
- Edmund J. Sullivan
Acoustics of Small Rooms - Mendel Kleiner and Jiri Tichy - Review by Murray Hodgson, Leila Scannell and James Higgins
57 ASA Foundation Update - Carl J. Rosenberg
58 Technical Committee Report:
Noise - Scott Sommerfeldt and William J. Murphy
62 Obituary: David Alan Bies (1925-2015)
63 ASA News:
• Students Activities at ASA Pittsburgh
- Chris Jasinski
64 Classifieds, Business Directory and Advertisers Index
      2 | Acoustics Today | Summer 2015
The cover images are from the article Psychoacoustics: A Brief Historical Over- view, written by William A. Yost. They highlight the centuries-long evolution of this technical area and pay tribute to re- nowned scientists Gustav Fechner, "Father of Psychophysics" (top left), Hermann von Helmholtz (bottom right), and Harvey Fletcher, the ASA's first President (top right). Images: Savart wheel (middle) and S. S. Stevens and E. B. Newman, at Harvard, 1936 (bottom left).

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