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   From the Education and Outreach Coordinator Continued from previous page
Teachers, and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). For example, I will be attending PhysCon, an undergraduate physics conference organized by the AIP and hosted by Sigma Pi, the physics honor society. Addition- ally, I will continue to actively pursue organizations whose goals and missions align with those of the ASA.
What I do in the future will be greatly influenced by what ASA members would like to see, although I do have a couple initial objectives. I hope to create a searchable database of preexisting acoustics-themed outreach efforts so that mem- bers who are interested in outreach can get connected and share resources and experiences. Additionally, I plan to organize a project to update Teacher Activity Kit materials ( by obtaining content ideas specific to TCs that are underrepresented in the current kit. While working on these and other goals, I will also support new endeavors as they develop.
   8 | Acoustics Today | Winter 2016
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Acoustics Today
1557-0215 9/26/16 Quarterly
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Editor: Dr. Arthur N. Popper, Acoustical Society of America, 1305 Walt Whitman Road, Suite 300, Melville, NY 11747-4300 Owner: Acoustical Society of America, 1305 Walt Whitman Road, Suite 300, Melville, NY 11747-4300
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Waylon Butler 516-576-2278
    I am looking forward to working with ASA members, and I hope to meet many more members at upcoming meetings, not only to put faces to names but also to exchange ideas. If you have ideas about potential projects, would like to know more about current projects, or would like to know more about me, please seek me out at ASA meetings, or contact me at
  The Acoustical Society of America (ASA) invites individuals with a strong interest in any aspect of acoustics including (but not limited to) physical, engineering, oceanographic, biological, psychological, structural, and architectural, to apply for membership. This very broad diversity of interests, along with the opportunities provided for the ex- change of knowledge and points of view, has become one
of the Society's unique and strongest assets. From its be- ginning in 1929, ASA has sought to serve the widespread interests of its members and the acoustics community in all branches of acoustics, both theoretical and applied. ASA publishes the premier journal in the field and annu- ally holds two exciting meetings that bring together col- leagues from around the world.
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