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                                                                        In addition, the Executive Council established a 2017 fundrais- ing campaign building around the 40th anniversary of the Hunt Postdoctoral Research Fellowship ( hunt). The goal is to raise $300,000 to endow two ASA Early- Career Leadership Fellows at $6,000 each ($3,000 for travel to attend ASA meetings and a $3,000 stipend). The Early-Career Leadership Fellows will also be offered opportunities to learn about ASA leadership, including mentorship, and will be asked to lead ASA early-career initiatives.
Another prime initiative, live streaming of meeting content, also helps to serve our early-career members and others unable to attend the ASA semiannual meetings in person. To date, we have live streamed content from four meetings: Jacksonville (Fall 2015), Salt Lake City (Spring 2016), Hono- lulu (Fall 2016), and Boston (Spring 2017).
Because streaming is new to the ASA and managed entirely by member volunteers, we have not charged for registration during this trial period. Although streaming is directed at ASA members, non-ASA members have not been prevented from registering and participating. The number of streamed sessions grew exponentially, from the start in Jacksonville with 7 technical sessions to 29 in Boston. In total, we have
reached 660 remote attendees out of 977 who initially regis- tered for streamed content, a retention rate of 68%.
There are definite benefits to offering streamed content: posi- tive feedback from remote participants, reaching those who cannot attend the meeting in person, and posting record- ings of broad interest to the ASA YouTube channel (http:// However, there are a couple of drawbacks as well: federal government or consulting/industry members express concern about live streaming affecting their ability to attend meetings because employers may see that as a cost-saving substitute and, at the moment, this effort is entire- ly volunteer driven, which cannot be sustained over the long run. The subcommittee tasked with this initiative is currently working on envisioning how to sustain the effort beyond the 2017 meetings.
It is successes like the above that make the Strategic Lead- ership Plan for the Future the vibrant document that it is. Although the four goals contained within it remain steadfast, initiatives fulfilling those goals will change over time. We will continue to report on these and other initiatives that support the profession and the aspirations of our members.
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             Fall 2017 | Acoustics Today | 9

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