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 Obituary | Konstantin A. naugolnykh | 1932-2017
Konstantin Aleksandrovich naugolnykh, a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of Ameri- ca and one of the pioneers of nonlinear acoustics research in Russia, passed away on Au- gust 14, 2017, in Boulder, CO.
Konstantin was born on Octo-
ber 7, 1932, in Baku, Azerbai- djan (a former Soviet republic). He earned a MS in physics from the Perm State University, Perm, Russia, in 1955 and a PhD in acoustics from the Acoustics Institute, Moscow, in 1959, where he was advised by academician Nikolay An- dreyev. The topic of his PhD dissertation was the theory of finite-amplitude acoustic waves. Because of the importance of the results obtained, Konstantin was invited to Brown University, Providence, RI, in 1963, where he collaborated with Robert Beyer and Peter Westervelt on the theory of finite-amplitude wave propagation in viscous fluid. He also solved a problem of modulated-wave rectification in a non- linear medium that was used in the later studies of extreme
regimens of parametric arrays in acoustics.
On returning to Moscow, Konstantin became interested in the generation and propagation of finite-amplitude acoustic pulses from underwater sources such as electric discharges and explosions. He found an analytical solution for a weakly nonlinear spherical wave and showed that it remained close to the general Taylor solution up to a significant acoustic Mach number. These results formed the basis of the Doc- tor of Science dissertation, which he defended in 1971 at the Acoustics Institute. Subsequently, Konstantin studied the la- ser generation of sound in fluids, a novel area at that time. This interdisciplinary research between acoustics and laser optics was followed by a field experiment in the Black Sea.
In the late 1980s, Konstantin was among the first to experi- mentally demonstrate the application of a powerful paramet- ric array to generate a broadband, directed acoustical signal propagating at a long range in the Arctic Ocean. In 1985, Naugolnykh and a group of colleagues were awarded the USSR State Prize for research in nonlinear acoustics.
AfterthecollapseoftheUSSR,Konstantin,amongmany other Russian scientists, moved to the United States. From 1994 to 2016, he worked at a NOAA laboratory in Boulder, CO, where he actively studied acoustic monitoring of the at- mosphere and ocean.
For many years, Konstantin was a member of the Editorial Board and, later, the International Advisory Board of Acous- tical Physics, which is the main acoustical journal in Russia. He was one of the founders and a vice president of the Rus- sian Acoustical Society.
Always clear and illustrative in describing his results, Kon- stantin shared this quality with his colleagues. Apart from his outstanding scientific achievements, Konstantin was a kind and outgoing person. He liked hiking in the mountains and downhill skiing. He is survived by Alla Vovk, whom he mar- ried in 1959, a daughter Tanya, and a grandson. Konstantin’s memory will be forever kept by his friends and colleagues.
Selected Articles by Konstantin A. Naugolnykh
Esipov, I. B., Naugolnykh, K. A., and Timoshenko, V. I. (2010). Parametric array and long-range ocean research. Acoustics Today 6(2), 20-26.
Fuks, I. M., Charnotskii, M. I., and Naugolnykh, K. A. (2001). A multifre- quency scintillation method for ocean flow measurements. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 109, 2730-2736.
Lyamshev, L. M., and Naugolnykh, K. A. (1981). Optical generation of sound-Nonlinear effects/A review. Acoustical Physics 27(5), 641-668.
Naugolnykh, K. A. (1968). Absorption of finite amplitude waves. In Rozen- berg, L. (Ed.), High Intensity Ultrasonic Fields. Plenum Press, New York.
Naugolnykh, K. A., and Ostrovsky, L. A. (1998). Nonlinear Wave Processes in Acoustics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Naugolnykh, K. A., Soluyan, S. I., and Khokhlov, R. V. (1963). On nonlinear interaction of sound waves in absorbing medium. Acoustical Physics 9(2), 192-197.
Written by:
Lev A. Ostrovsky, Email:
University of Colorado, Boulder
Igor B. Esipov, Email:
Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia
Vladimir E. Ostashev, Email:
University of Colorado, Boulder
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