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 Figure 2. Map of the home countries of CIRE Student Research Grant recipients.
 Nigeria (ASON 2015;, and the International Symposium on Music and Room Acoustics in La Plata, Argentina (ISMRA 2016; By arrangement with the International Congress on Acous- tics (ICA;, students may also ap- ply for conference travel grants to support their attendance at the triannual ICA. Finally, support is also available for the formation or extension of an acoustics network or an acous- tical society in developing countries.
Looking to the future, the activities of the CIRE are now em- bedded within the larger ASA scheme of the recently formed International Liaison Committee (ILC). The overarching aim of this umbrella committee is to increase international collaboration and communication in all matters of acoustics for the benefit of the ASA and the wider community. The purview of this committee includes working with the CIRE
to identify internationally oriented fellowship and grant op- portunities. In addition, the ILC will work with various oth- er ASA committees, including the Committees for Regional Chapters, Membership, Meetings, and Publication Policy, in a concerted effort to extend bidirectional engagement and collaborative opportunities for American acousticians and our fellow acousticians across the globe.
What began as a sharply focused response to the tumultuous global political situation in the early 1990s has now devel- oped into a multifaceted and far-reaching effort to infuse a global orientation throughout the activities of the ASA.
The authors are grateful for the contribution by Elaine Mo- ran who provided information for the historic overview and for the statistics of the student grants.
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