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the acoustical human-machine interface, the subject of a special session organized by Gary Elko at the 181st meeting of the ASA. Finally, researchers in the TCEA and other technical committees have begun investigating the utility and opportunities that additive manufactur- ing technology offers the field of acoustics. I have helped organize a special issue of JASA with Christina Naify of the Applied Research Laboratories at The University of Texas at Austin and Kathryn Matlack at The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, which will provide a rep- resentative snapshot of current research and perspectives on the ways that advanced manufacturing may enable a new generation of acoustic materials and devices.
The historical contributions of engineering acoustics paired with the broad-based, high-quality nature of cur- rent and emerging research conducted by members and affiliates of the TCEA shows that the technical commit- tee continues to contribute to the ASA and the field of acoustics more broadly. Although the science of sound is the passion that brings members of the TCEA to the
ASA, I would be remiss to not mention the culture of the TCEA and the ASA as a whole. The recent past has thrown significant obstacles at everyone and resulted in a com- plete disruption of one of the aspects of the ASA that most members truly enjoy: our regular in-person interactions at the biannual meetings of the ASA. We genuinely enjoy interacting with our colleagues because it provides us with an opportunity to learn from each other and to advance the technical and scientific objectives of the TCEA and the ASA as a whole. The ASA fosters a welcoming and support- ive culture that extends from the most senior members to graduate and undergraduate students who are encouraged to engage in TCEA activities and to present their research to a constructive audience. The members of the TCEA and the ASA will strive to maintain this culture to continually improve our understanding of sound by creating the tools and technology of acoustics.
Becker, T. S., van Manen, D.-J., Donahue, C. M., Bärlocher, C., Börsing, N., Broggini, F., Haag, T., Robertsson, J. O., Schmidt, D. R., Greenhalgh, S. A., and Blum, T. E. (2018). Immersive wave propagation experimentation: Physical implementation and one-dimensional acoustic results. Physical Review X 8, 031011.
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tional neural networks for estimating transport parameters of fibrous materials based on micro-computerized tomography images. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 149, 2813-2828.
Li, X. Becker, T., Ravasi, M., Robertsson, J. O. A., and van Manen, D.-J. (2021). Closed-aperture unbounded acoustics experimentation using multidimensional deconvolution. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 149, 1813-1828.
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Contact Information
Michael R. Haberman
Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas 78713-8029, USA
74 Acoustics Today • Winter 2021