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viewed 487 times. The archived webinar has been viewed an additional 334 times through July 2021.
DOSITS resources have also become a trusted source of information for several stakeholder groups, and the DOSITS website is the go-to source on information related to sound underwater for nonexperts. It is also used by undergraduate faculty across the United States as a supplement to their instruction. The website receives over one million page views a year.
The success of the DOSITS project is due to several elements. The engagement of the DOSITS AP and the broader underwater acoustics research community have been essential to the project’s scientific integrity and value. Routinely conducting needs assessments of user groups has ensured that new resources meet the current needs of these groups and are produced in the most accessible formats. The DOSITS team is able to meet needs and fill content gaps based on interactions with the communities of users. In addition, dissemination of DOSITS resources through multiple national and international meetings and workshops over the years has helped to reach users.
The Future of DOSITS
Over the next year, the DOSITS team will be continu- ing to produce new content on topics, including “Ocean Noise Budgets,” “Potential Effects of Sound on Marine Invertebrates,” and “How Sound is Used to Protect Marine Mammals.” The team is in the process of con- ducting a new needs assessment of the international regulatory/decision-making community and will be pri- oritizing the development of new content over the next four years based on these results.
As the DOSITS team looks toward the next decade, we will continue to disseminate the results of our work inter- nationally and are working to expand our reach through activities associated with the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (the Decade). The Decade’s international ocean literacy initiatives will provide opportunities to work with groups of education professionals, decision makers, and business and indus- try leaders across the globe.
The DOSITS team is extremely grateful to the many contributors of audio files, scientific content, and other
materials and is especially grateful to the AP for their many volunteered hours of review and assistance in content development. The project is a testament to the underwater acoustic community’s collaborative spirit and goodwill. The project is also grateful to various funders who have made our work possible. In particular, we thank the US Office of Naval Research, Arlington, Vir- ginia, for DOSITS primary support, which has continued since the inception of the DOSITS project in 2001. Addi- tional funding has been provided over the years by the National Science Foundation, Alexandria, Virginia, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Washington, DC.
Au, W. W. L., Nachtigall, P. E., and Pawloski, J. A. (1997). Acoustic effects of the ATOC signal (75 Hz, 195 dB) on dolphins and whales. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 101, 2973-2977.
Frankel, A. S., and Clark, C. W. (1998). Results of low-frequency playback of M-sequence noise to humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, in Hawaii. Canadian Journal of Zoology 76, 521-535.
Mobley, J. R., Jr., Herman, L. M., and Frankel, A. S. (1988). Responses of wintering humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) to playback of recordings of winter and summer vocalizations and of synthetic sound. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 23, 211-223.
Scowcroft, G. (2016). Summary report panel 4: Communication and interpretation: Presenting information to the general public. In Popper, A. N., and Hawkins, A. (Eds.), The Effects of Noise on
Aquatic Life II. Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, pp. 1283-1286.
Scowcroft, G., and Vigness-Raposa, K. (2014). The science of under-
water sound: Education, communication, and outreach. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 135, 2403-2404.
Vigness-Raposa,K.,andScowcroft,G.(2008).DiscoveryofSoundinthe Sea website: Educational and media resources. The Journal of the Acousti- cal Society of America 123, 3209.
Vigness-Raposa, K. J., Scowcroft, G., Knowlton, C., and Morin, H. (2017). Incorporating basic underwater sound principles into the decision making process. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141, 3603.
Vigness-Raposa, K. J., Scowcroft, G., Miller, J. H., and Ketten, D. (2012). Discovery of Sound in the Sea: An online resource. In Popper, A. N., and Hawkins, A. (Eds.), The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life. Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, pp. 135-138.
      Contact Information
Gail Scowcroft
Graduate School of Oceanography University of Rhode Island Narraganset, Rhode Island 02882, USA
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