Page 10 - Spring2022
P. 10

From the President
Maureen Stone
    My goals for this column are to promote participation in the leader- ship and increase awareness of the finances of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA). We are a member-
driven Society and you, the members, are better served when this information is easily accessible. I hope you will enjoy participating at all levels of the Society, especially the highest.
Participate in Acoustical Society of America Leadership
In my fall 2021 column (see, I discussed ways to become involved in the ASA. Today, I want to build on that by discussing how to move into ASA leadership roles. The ASA governing structure is
completely captured in two organizational charts. Figure 1 illustrates the basic organization chart.
The EC is the governing board of the ASA and is chaired by the president. It has 13 voting members including the 3 presidents (president-elect, current president, immediate past president), the 3 vice presidents (VP) (VP-elect, cur- rentVP,immediatepastVP),thetreasurer,and6additional elected members. The nonvoting members include the editor in chief (EIC), the standards director, and the execu- tive director (ED). The EC ensures that the ASA follows its mission, strategizes and plans for the future of the Society, and signs off on financial decisions and actionable items from various committees including medals and awards. It also acts on reports and appointments from the president, the EIC, the ED, the standards director, the VP (as chair of the Technical Council (TC)), and the treasurer.
Figure 1 shows the employees and contractors who work at the ASA (gray squares). You can see that fewer than 20 staff members run all the operations of the ASA, which
  Figure 1. Organization chart of the Acoustical Society of America. The ASA members elect the officers and Executive Council (EC) at the spring elections (top). The EC supervises Publications, Headquarters and Standards (gray blocks).
 10 Acoustics Today • Spring 2022

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