Page 60 - Fall 2005
P. 60
The Lab
Dick Stern
Applied Research Laboratory, The Pennsylvania State University PO Box 30, State College, PA 16804
G.R.A.S. Sound & Vibration has recently announced the acqui- sition of the acoustic manikin line from Knowles Electronics of Itasca, Illinois. The KEMAR line of acoustic manikins is recognized as the industry’s standard anthropomorphic manikin used for sound field testing in the telecommunica- tions, hearing health, noise prevention, and vibroacoustic testing industries.
G.R.A.S. Sound & Vibration took own- ership of the KEMAR
KEMAR Manikin product line effective 1 July 2005 and became responsible for KEMAR manufacturing, engineering, sales, service, repair, warranty, and technical assistance
G.R.A.S. Sound & Vibration is a manufacturer of
acoustic front-end products such as microphones, preampli- fiers and signal conditioning devices for acoustics and vibra- tion testing and sensing in the telecommunications, hearing health, noise abatement, vibration control, and signal condi- tioning markets.
MIKEL, Inc has announced the development of a digital wideband hydrophone – the DH-100TM. They claim this prod- uct to be the first wideband hydrophone with an integrated very low noise pre-amplifier, analog to digital converter, and communications hardware for digital data transfer to any computer with a 1.1 or 2.0 Universal Serial Bus (USB) mak- ing it Plug’N’Play compatible. Everything is powered direct- ly from the USB port, obviating the need for an external power supply and making a data acquisition system unneces- sary for recording underwater sounds. In addition to the hardware, MIKEL provides drivers and software for the dis- play and recording of underwater acoustic signals. Utilities are also provided for loading data into MATLABTM for signal processing and further analysis.
MIKEL is an advanced engineering company primarily focused on providing the US Navy with affordable real-time technological solutions for the improvement and moderniza- tion of complex undersea warfare systems and platforms. The company is located at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth’s Advanced Technology & Manufacturing Center in Fall River, MA.
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58 Acoustics Today, October 2005