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  Book Title: Music Speech Audio
Authors: William J. Strong and George R. Plitnik Publisher: BYU Academic Publishing
ISBN: 978-0-74093-088-1 Pages: 566
Binding: Spiral
Music Speech Audio, 3rd edition, is a descriptive acoustics textbook intended for use in courses dealing with acoustical aspects of hearing, speech, music, sound reproduction, and the environment. Although the presentation is descriptive in nature, some use is made of simple mathematics. The 50 chapters are organized into six major parts: I. Physical and Acoustical Background; II. The Ear and Hearing; III. Living and Listening Environments; IV. The Human Voice and Speech; V. Musical Acoustics; VI. Sound Recording and Reproduction. Pedagogical Aids presented at the end of chapters provide opportunities for exploring further the world of sound.
Book title: Waves in Nonlinear Pre-Stressed Materials
Editors: M. Destrade, G. Saccomandi
Publisher: Springer ISBN: 978-3-211-73571-8 Pages: 281
Binding: Hardcover.
Waves in Nonlinear Pre-Stressed Materials is a collection of lectures from an advanced course given at the International Centre for Mechanical Sciences in Udine by leading researchers in the field. It provides a state-of-the-art exami- nation of the topic of waves in pre-stressed elastic and vis- coelastic materials. The approach is multi-disciplinary to gain new perspectives and insights into this ubiquitous area of research. The book presents the mathematical modeling of incremental material response, the analysis of the governing differential equations, and several boundary-value problems. The authors emphasize fundamental, computational, indus- trial, geophysical, and biomechanical issues.
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