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   Kurt Fristrup is the sen- ior scientist with the Natural Sounds and Night Skies Division of Natural Resource Stewardship and Science in the National Park Service (NPS). Prior to joining NPS, he worked with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology. His research interests include the effects of noise on humans and wildlife, bioacoustical
signal processing, animal behavior, and engineering develop- ment for ecological monitoring.
  of ambient sound pressure levels.
Daniel Mennitt is a Research Scientist in the Department of Electrical and Com- puter Engineering at Colorado State Univer- sity. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Virg- inia Tech while study- ing multiarray passive acoustic localization and tracking. Current topics of interest in- clude acoustic propaga- tion and modeling, auditory scene analysis, and the spatial variation
24 Acoustics Today, July 2012

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