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The authors are grateful to Dr. Mingsian Bai for stimulat- ing discussions and to Dr. Stan Dosso for details of the geo- acoustic transdimensional inversion.
Ning Xiang, Director of the Graduate Program in Architectural Acoustics at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He is a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) and a Fellow of the Institute of Acoustics, United King- dom. In 2014, he received Wallace Clement Sabine Medal from the ASA.
He is the Chair of the Technical Committee on Signal Pro- cessing in Acoustics of the ASA, and an Associate Editor of the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA). He is also an editorial board member of the ASA-Press (Springer books).
Cameron J. Fackler, obtained his BS degree in 2010 in Applied Physics, and MS degree in 2011 and PhD de- gree in 2014 in Architectural Sciences with Professor Ning Xiang at Rensse- laer Polytechnic Institute. During his doctoral research, he applied Bayes- ian analysis to design microperfo- rated panel absorbers and to analyze
multi-layered porous materials. In 2013, Cameron conduct- ed a research internship with the Hearing Loss Prevention Team at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Currently Cameron is an Acoustical Engineer at 3M, working on research and development of hearing protection devices.
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