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Perceptiun of suns: Beam:
and Philips, D. (2014). wovefonns and Sonic Boom Perception and Re- Eioskabchas
sponse (wxpx) Program Final Repm Low Boom Community Response  
Pmgrmn Pilot Test Design, Execimon mid Analysis. Technical Report .
NASA/CR-2014.213130,Nntionalnesonauticsandspace Administmtion. , Al""“d“ I‘°“|’““ ‘S 3 '“"’°h ‘em’
Washington, DC. space engineer at the NASA Langley
Page, 1. A., Plotkin. K, 1-lobbs, c., spatsow, V, snlamone, 1., cowan, R., L _ Research came; Hampton VA, she
Elmer, K.,Welge. H. R., Ladd, 1., and Maglies-i, D. (2015). Supcrboom cons. . . . .
tic Analysis mi Meanoement Pmgrmn (scam) Final Report. Tecbncal e mcemd h" M5 “d, PhD 1“ “‘_"°““,'°s
Report NAsA/CR-2015-213371, National Aesonautics and space Ad1-nin- v» ‘ fmm The P9nn3Y1V3n“‘ 5”“ l-7n1V‘’-'§‘‘}'>
istration,Wnsi-iington. DC. State College, and has been researching
Plotkin, K. 1., Matiscbeck. 1. 11., and Tmcy, R. R. (2003). sonic Boom Cutoff sonic boom acoustics since then As me
Acmss tbeunited states (AIAA-2008-3033).Pmoud1'r1gs ofthe14thAIAA/ ta 1 ad f . b . Ch
CEAS Aerooceoszics cenfeyence (29tb AIAA Aesoacoustics conresence), 3'“ 8 °' _s°f"° °°"f °°'"m“"'tY"“P°“s° “E”
Amesican Institute ofAeronautic1i and Astsonautics, Vancouver, BC, can. at NASA. She 15 Involved In the Planning. execnt-Ion. and
ada, May 5-7, 2003. analysis of experimental, modeling, and psychoacoustics re-
R“d"‘”“_i* I" “d P“§‘* ]'_A‘ 9010)‘ Smi‘ b°°"‘ “"°d°u"‘3 °f ”d‘““‘°d 5"‘ search. Alexandra enjoys playing the violin in a local orches-
pessomc business 1:15 In N:xtG:n (AIAA 2010-1335). 43:11 AIAA A£m— _ . dl . 1
space sciences Mutirlg Including the New Horizons Fmum mid Aerospace “av 5W““m‘“E> 3“ 93-"nng 3nE“3%9S>
Exposition. Aemspoee sciences Meetings, Orlando, FL, Ianuary 4.7, 2010.
littps://doi.otg/10.2514/s.2010.1335. Inna page) 3 Physical scientist with the
Rathsam, 1., and lflos, 1. (2016). vibmtion penalty estimates rot indoor an. Us Depmmem oflmnspomfion V01? 8
noyance caused by some boom vie Ioumal ofthe Acoustical society of C C b ,d h h
Ameneo 139, 2007. l1ttps:// ‘ I 3 - e em“) “Tn n 89- M—A> 33 Wen‘ ‘ 9
Rathsam, 1., loos, 1., loubeau, A., can, 1)., and Davies, 12 (2013). Effects r last 32 years conducting and directing
of chair vibntion on indoor annoyance ratings of sonic boom. The ‘_ - -L L V I _ meomfical and expefimmtal research
[animal of the Acoxutiazl society ofAm£r1'm 143(1), 439-499. https://doi. .‘ 5, l—:,. m an“ in awumcs for me “min”
org/l0.l121/l.5019465. ,;  I - P 3' p ‘
1tatbsnm1.,1oubenu A_,and Klosl. (2Dl2).AStudyir1aNew TeirFua‘lity on in. ‘ ' “ ‘ and t-r8nSP0mn0n Swot AS 8 leading
domAnmyunceCuusedbySonicBooms. T¢€l1ni€a1R:p0rITM-2012-217332. expert in the field of sonic boom, she has directed n1.1mer-
N“fi°’“1 A“‘°“““fi‘‘ “'4 SW“ M“‘i“i‘m’fi°”‘ w““‘hi“3‘"“‘ Dc‘ ous NASA, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Airport
Rath1iam,].,Loub:au, A_, and 10011, 1. (2015). Effects ofindoar mttle sounds C _ R Ch P ACRP d D
on annoyance caused by sonic booms. The Ioumal o/the Acoustical Society °°P‘“‘-‘V9 $59“ ’‘’3”“‘  )> 3“ °P“““"*“‘
ofAmenco 133(1), £1.43-1~:1.43. of Defense envlronmental analysis. measurement. research.
R095» R H->nndMnSl3¢Ii»D-l-(2015)-CUn°°Id=b00n15finddI¢ I‘nY5‘=n- and NextGen programs and has been instrumental in the
ous east coast noises. Acoustic: Today 11(2), 34-42. . .
snlamone, 1. (2005). 1>onable sonic boom 1iimulation.AIP Corlfzrence Pm— d°vel°P'“°m °f “°“s"C lneasumfnem Pr°‘°°°]‘§' She '5 3
ceeding: 333, 667. https://doi.o1'gI10.1063/1.2210441. In"-ml)" 0f 5”" 31 Us and 1n‘°1”n“‘-‘°n31 mndards and ‘"11’
snlamone, 1. (2009). Recent sonic boom propagation studies at Gulfstream nical committees. In her spare time, Iuliet enjoys boating on
Aesospnce (AIAA 2009-3333). Procudings ofzbe 15211 AIAA/CEAS A£m- Chesapeake Bay and making glass beads‘
oeoosties Conference (30th AIAA Aeroacoustics conresence), American
institute of Aesonautics and Astsonautics, Miami, FL, May 11-13, 2009.
Shepherd, K. 17., and sullivan. B. M. (1991). A Loudness colenlozion Proce- V _ _ _
dun Applied to Shaped Sonic Booms. Technical Paper TP-3134, National The ASA 5 Women In Acoustlcs Commlttee was
Aeronautics “(Id 517;!“ Mminisgaime WaShin8‘°n»TD:- ( ) created in 1995 to address the need to foster a
spatsow, V w. 2006 . Lowering e oom. Aeoostics o ay 2 1 ,20-23. . . . .
Stzvens, s. s. (1972). Perceived level of noise by Mark v11 and decibels (E). 5“PF’°"""e a""°5F’he'e ‘”'‘l‘'" ‘he 5°‘'e‘V ""1
The Ioumal ofthe Acoustical Society ofAmen'co 51(2), 575-501. https://doi. within the scientific community at large, ultimately
0'3/1°-1111/1-19113” encouraging women to pursue rewarding and
sullivnn,B. M., Davies, P.,Hodgdon, K. K., salnmone, 1. A.,III, and Pilon, A. . . . .
(2003). Realism assessment of sonic boom iiirnlllntorii. Noise Control Er1- 53"5fY'"9 (N995 '7' 3C°“5t|C5-
ginecringfoumnl 56(2), 141-157. https://doi.o1'g/10.3397/1.2919547.
Sullivnn,B. M., Klos,1.,Buebsle, 11 1)., McCuxdy, 13. A.,and 1-raesing, E. A., Leam mole about the mmmmee at
Ir. (2010). Human Response to Low-Intensity Sonic seems 1-ieand Indoor: . _ _
and Outdoors. Technical Report TM-2010-216685, National Aesonnutics hTtP~//W°Tn9n|n3C°“5T|C5~°'9-
and space Administration, Washington, DC.
an 1 Acuunzlcl 1-1::-y 1 Fall 2013

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