Page 54 - Summer2019
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Science Communication
or nontechniail, i.e, writing for the public) for graduate students, it, the “why should mytax dollars fund your research” approach.
and 36% have optional science  programs. No programs Once students have identified how to communicate the societal
have required courses on science communication, and only 32% relevance, they learn how to tailor their nontechnical commu-
of programs have optional science communication courses nication to diverse audiences. Eflective oral communication is
honed through regular simulations in which students draw a
Including a required scientific writing and communication target audience from a cup and then deliver their message to
course into the curriculum of a progam, especiallyin the first their peers, who act as the target audience. Through these sim-
year of graduate school, would better equip students to present ulations, students learn to be comfortable discussing science
at conferences, network with future employers, write a thesis, to audiences of diflerent ages, education levels, and political
and communicate science at outreach events. For several years, ideology. More importantly, students learn to engage others
I have been teaching a semester-long course emphasizinghoth in a conversation about science rather than a one-way lecture.
technical and nontechnical science communication (Kloepper,
2017). Through this course, students learn to design and deliver I encourage allreaders who are part of academic departments to
effective scientific presentations. speak to potential program consider including a science  and communication course
oflicers or collaborators in the form of an elevator pitch, write into required gaduate and undergraduate coursework for your
organized research papers with clarity and flow, and speak students. It is our responsibility to equip students with the skills
informally to the public about science‘ More importantly, stu- necessaryto be elfective communicators of science; their future
dents immerse themselves in science communication outside research  depends on it. Changing the public’s attitude
the classroom, evaluating science communication activities and understanding about science won't happen overnight. It
from a wide range of events including academic lectures, public won't happen with one headline. Change happens slowly, one
outreach events, TED talks, and press conferences. Student conversation at a time. Let us help inspire students to control
evaluation of the course has always been high, with many stu- the narrative, regain the public’s mist in and excitement about
dents stating this as a transformadve course for their education science, and lead that change.
and career development.
I deslglmd  mum as a wrifingfitensive mum with th_e Allu.rn,N.,Stnrgis. P.iTabo mzi,D., and Bninmn-sini:li,1. (zoos). Science
B011 °flmP'"V“13 WHY Smdl’-D“ Wl'1'm3- and Students Submit knowledge and attitudes across Ctlllliflst A meta-analysis. Public Under»
weekly writing assignments. My class compositions have ranged standing afszicme 17. 35-54.
from nonnative English spnkfls (O accomplished wmus’ hm American Academy of Arts and Sciences. (2013). Perceptions nfsciem in
d has . u h . . . . America. Available at llllps I/www amacad.oiypulwlicallon/perceptions
“Very 5"’ 5'“ C°”5"“"“ Y S “W” "“P’°‘’"“mt "1 "flung §L‘lel|LE-n|:I:|(flC.l. Accessed February 19, 2019.
SW“ bi’ ti“ “Id 05 3'9 ¢°“I5=~ Smdenis ¢°mP1€'B Gfllim Brink Kloepper, 1. N. (2017). We need to teach scizuce communication to gradu-
mar quizzes and watch videos from the Comma Queen at The ate and underyaduate students. Here’: how. Proceedings of Mzetings an
New Yarke1(2019) to understand common writing pitfalls. Peer A_‘‘’'‘“'“ 30* 025003‘ A , , V ,

. . as fth _ d l Mil-[Eli l- D. (20l0). Civic scientific literacy: The role ot the media in the elec»
WWW 15 ° = “(OHS 5°mP°'“‘-D‘ 0 5 C°“'5"- 5”‘ 9”“ 9”“ tmnic m. [nD. Kennedy and G. Cvethulsei’ (Edi), Science and the Media.
to critically and constructively evaluate the writing of their peers, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Cambridge. MA. PP. 44.53.
which leads to a better awareness of one’s own writing. Mufmz. A.. Morena. C-i find I-“fin. I. L. (2012). W110 is Wminli ‘° P37’ '7"

science? on the relationship between public perception ofsclence and
th 'd blifundin f’ Publll/tie 11' S'
In addition to an emphasis on writing, the course also helps 21fZa:t:;5§_w P“ C E D mmm I n um” mg H] “mm
students develop more confidence with public speaking. Earlyin National Public Radio. (2011). Shrimp on a Treadmill: The Pnlitim nf“silly”
the Course’ studgnls learn how“;  and Present anglgvatof Studies. Available at https://www.npr org/2011/08/23/l39fi5Z035/sluinip
Pitch abom their msemh, which they ddiver to an dm and E (ill-3-|rei|d.|'nLll ilie.p(.1.n<s.n1.su1,-nntlics. Accessed February 19, 2019.
FEW Research Center. (2015). Arlmrlcunr, Politics and Science Issuer.
Panel °ff3C“13Y5V“1“=T°f$ 5‘“d"-“‘5 315° 1531'” ‘he filndamwbls Available at liun;/1www.pewieseaielimyseienec/201s/07/o1/sinencnns.
of a PowerPoint slide design and give a research presentation‘s-t’-illI.l-.k'.I(‘nC2» issues. Accessed February 19, 2019.
‘0 their peers_ Once studenu have mastered the (echnical The New Yrrlrer. (20l9). Comma Queen. Available atlittps://vldeoiiewyorker.
comnu-monofmarwornweeoveou«»nom=usalc«:m- .;:::;‘:‘;*.:L°:.";::?;:.::;;i-g‘:;“:f,:::::;::;:::*:;:,::M....o.,...,
m““1C3"°D~ T115 fim 519? L‘ ‘W’-hing 5‘“d¢“‘5 110" ‘O Idem‘-'5)’ in Decades. Available It hrtps://www.nyt\n1cs.cnmJ2Dl9/Ol/l7/nyregion/
and communiute the sodetal relevance of their work or, as I all measles oulhre:ikvjews»nyL' huul. Azcessed February 19, 2019.
52 | Anni.-e1=.11nnevy| Summer 2019

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