Page 52 - Summer2019
P. 52

Student lmmlvemant
”"°"""“"  Goad. K. w.. in. and Macuk. I. M. (ma). Ace-sum! Society numerac-
rhapters: Form md fi.ln:u'on. Acoustics Today 14(4), 50-52. Imps I/dm.
Bladsladc D. T. (2015). Students meetmemhus furlunclt Acoustic: Today 0%,”, ,2, ,Am,m4_m,
11(2),7z-73. hllps:l/dr;i.o1g/10.1ill/AT.2I]1S,l 11.12 Row; L M“ W, Neflsgn, T_ 3_ (loin -1-wu,ty_fi.,E yam nf lb, ASA
Wynn, T. 1., Incl vmuuz- 5- M- (20111). Student council of the Acmiitical Women in Acoustics Can-1mifl:e.Amu:ti:: Tnazny 13(4), 66-68. hllpsfldni.
Sod:tyofAme1'ira.A:ous11'Lt Tadny 14(1), 53-66. h1ip5://dui.:)r_1y1U.1l2i/ u,g,m_1m,AT;m7V,3_4_M
Kelsey Hocngraromcenrech, /nc. poses with me winter201B ime
whefe do you fead youf arm, which inc/uaesneramz/eaboutconcenhauacoumca. Photo
mken bymanaa Alcama.
Acousttcs Today? _: .1 . .
* I 1 ~ * 1‘ 1'
Takea photo of yuurselfreading a copy offlmunlus 1,
Today and share it on social media‘ (tagging ‘-1
#AcousticsToday, of course). We'll pick our favorite
and Include it in the next issue ofAT. Don't do social I — :
media but still want to provide a picture? Email it to r ' '
kseuer@acoustica| 1 -  1 1'!
1 J ‘1 H1:
"By5ubmin‘ing, Ihesubjectagrea no image being medln AT and/aran ; 1 .“::;;“i;r;}:'= 1 _
rhexr wel2xi!e.PIeasedanallnduded1IldIenln Ihelmage uniusyauas K "W"
thzirpami1xaIguardhILzanglv:wqJIkitMit!¢npennL§5lonfoI1Lv: ’ ,_ _ *
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‘ Dan Rus5eII (Pennsylvania State University) used some of in;
‘z: — ‘ ‘ dnwntime during the receni AS/1 meeting in Louisville. KV to visit
1 me Laulsville Slugger Museum .9. Facmry. He ihaws offhis winter
2017 cover article about baseball but ucounirs wnue mending
in from of me warldk Iargen buizball bar. Photos taken by Dr.
I xennem A. penkau.
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It's never too young to slanleuming abouruzaustici! Murek Kovacik _ , i ‘,_L_;.I, 5 \ .
(Cam/elgenr Technologies Deiign Group) leads to hi; son, Isaac, from ” Ni 1 .
rhespring ixsuz am. Photo taken by Cory Kovacik.
50 | Anzn-u1a11uneny| Sn|nm¢r2fll9

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