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limitations. The models discussed are, by necessity, sim- Despite such limitations, the book is likely to interest
plifications of a very complex system that is still not well researchers wishing to examine speech from an unusual
understood. The modeled data are drawn mostly from vantage point that’: both original and thought-provoking.
highly simplified speech, whose acoustic properties differ The bibliography is excellent and comprehensive. The text
in many respects from the patterns observed in naturally is clearly written, and the figures informative and insightful.
spoken language. Another l.i.mitation is the fra.n:rework’s
difliculty in explaining how extremely distorted speech Review by:
remains intelligible under challenging listening conditions Steven Greenberg
in which much of the waveform has been excised or heav- Silicon Speech
ily masked. How does the brain manage to track formant 17270 Greenridge Road
trajectories under such conditions? Also unaddressed are Hidden Valley Lake, CA 95467
the roles of dynamic visual-speech cues and memory i.n (Published online December 10, 2018, The Journal of the
decoding the speech signal. Acoustical Society of America, 144(6).)
" ''In Tune"
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( t 5- 1;, t’ by Alex Tolstoy
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V ‘?~\ _ ~ . ‘ /l , Watercolor
‘.3 ' . l ‘> .. fl @2019 by/Mex Tolstoy,
\ \ . ‘ . all rights reserved.
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We are delighted that ASA member Dr. Alexandra Tolstoy will provide some of her
original water colors (all with acoustics themes) for Acoustics Today from time to time.
You can see more of Alex‘: paintings at atolstoyartcom.
Summer N19 | Ae=:uI'd:I'1'b:I-y [ as

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