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Building a Sound Future for Students
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Shield, B., Conetta, R., Dockrell, J., Connolly, D., Cox, T., and Mydlarz, C. (2015). A survey of acoustic conditions and noise levels in secondary school classrooms in England. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 137, 177-188.
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Laura C. Brill integrates her diverse in- tellectual and artistic pursuits at Thresh- old Acoustics in Chicago, IL. Some of her current projects include renovations to the Kennedy Center Concert Hall in Washington, DC and The Perelman
Center, a new performing arts center at the World Trade Center in NYC. She holds a BS in physics and a BA in the- ater arts from Nebraska Wesleyan University. She received her MS in architectural engineering from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, where she was the lead graduate student researcher managing the large-scale measurement campaign of 220 K-12 classrooms.
Kieren Smith is currently pursuing her PhD in architectural engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, with a focus on building acoustics. She holds a bachelor’s degree in commercial music with minors in physics and mathemat-
ics from Brigham Young University, Provo, UT. She is actively involved in her school chapters of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) and the Society of Women Engineers. She is the most recent recipient of the ASA Leo and Gabriella Be- ranek Scholarship in Architectural Acoustics and Noise Con- trol and currently serves as the ASA student council represen- tative on the Technical Committee on Noise.
Lily M. Wang is a professor in the Dur- ham School of Architectural Engineer- ing and Construction and an associ- ate dean in the College of Engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She received her BS in civil engineer-
ing from Princeton University, NJ, and her PhD in acous- tics from Pennsylvania State University, State College. Her research focuses on a variety of room acoustic and noise control topics. She is a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), a recipient of the ASA Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowship, R. Bruce Lindsay Award, and Student Council Mentoring Award and is currently serving as ASA president (2018-2019).
14 | Acoustics Today | Spring 2020, Special Issue 22 | Acoustics Today | Fall 2018
Reprinted from volume 14, issue 3