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I thank Arthur N. Popper for all his insight and feedback in developing the manuscript. I also thank my loving wife Janelle for all her support, which I would not be able to do without. Moreover, I acknowledge the love and support of my family and friends, Sabina Macy for helping me with editing, and
Venus Larson, both keeping me from losing my mind.
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          About the Author
 Grant C. Eastland
Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division, Keyport
610 Dowell Street
Keyport, Washington 98345, USA
Grant C. Eastland received his PhD in physics from Washington State University (Pullman) in 2012 under the direction of Philip L. Marston, studying scattering boundary effects in acoustic imaging. He did postdoctoral research at the NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center in Seattle from 2012 to 2015, working on acoustic target calibration techniques. Currently, he is a physicist in test and
evaluation at the Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division, Key- port (WA). His primary fields of interest are ocean acoustic propagation, scattering, and acoustic imaging. His research can be considered phenomenological, including theoretical, computational acoustic modeling, and empirical investigations.
     rial—part 2: Sound—structure interaction. Acoustics Today 3(2), 9-27.
Spring 2021 • Acoustics Today 17

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