Page 10 - Fall_DTF
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in Phonetics and Speech Sciences have additionally been in- Education (acousticstodayiorg/cire) to support international
creased to $30,000, to be on par with other prestigious nation- research and education. Members of the International Liaison
a.l awards. It was indeed a pleasure for me to share the news of Committee are making plans for a special session on “Excel-
these positive changes with this years West and Stetson award lence in Acoustics Around the World” at a future ASA meeting
recipients: Dillan Villavisanis (Johns Hopkins University; bit. to discuss recent developments and future plans in acoustics
ly/West-DVillavisanis), Heather Kabakoff (New York Univer- in different countries around the world. ASA Past President
sity;'), and Nicholas Monto (Uni- Marcia Isakson shepherded this committees formation and a
versity of Connecticut; These young number of other initiatives around international engagement,
awa.rdees are planning to attend at least one of the next two including revising the ASA policy to hold joint international
ASA meetings in person, so if you’re there too, please keep an meetings (that is, not in North America) around every four
eye out for them and offer them your congratulations. years (acousticstodayorg/from-the-president-4). The next
Many of you may also be familiar with the F V. Hunt Post- lagmdejl °fl_wnm_‘m_l If:;e:;2g1ls_ lhe  $823: meenlflg
doctoral Research Fellowship (, one of the  yc Cy‘ _ _ {D 12 _ ‘fomixgq dz‘ islem _a-
only awards for which ASA early-career members who are not C hmmlssfon I couslecs (WES ) m_ 2 u
still students are eligible. A highlight at last fall’s ASA meeting A_w“su_m] Social: 1 am l°°k'_ngd€or_wan_i lg }‘]1:vm%)l'he Ul;_lIwrt“-
in New Orleans was the 40th anniversary celebration of the mlyto Elm lo e V9 Concern“ e ‘Come Y eY Per“ °“5e-
Hunt Fellowship. The history and impacts of that fellowship 1:‘im_[]y_ in the near fuml-e_ we win be sending out a mem.
have been captured in a commemorative booklet especially bership demographic survey The ASA adopted a diversity
P"eP3Yed fer the Celeh1‘3ti°11 (hh-1W ASA'H“hlB°°k1et)A statement in 2013 (acousticalsocietvorg/policy-statements),
Last year, the EC newly approved anmher Program ‘O s“P_ asserting the Society’s commitment to making acoustics ac-
port early-career professionals and future leaders in our So- Fesslble t° eVe"Y°he_ehd lh'°V“hh$ e‘l“e-l °l7P°m“_‘"Y l°_“h
dew: the ASA Em,1y_Career Leadership Fellows. The Plan in the field of acoustics. To determine whether our inclusion
is to award two fellowships annually, each on the order of and equlty efi°"_5 3" effecuve’ we need t° be able t° qumufy
$6,000, to support activities that enhance the Fellows’ lead- hen" ‘he dw"5'ty_°f me’ ‘_“emb"sh'P‘_ The As‘? has wmked
ership skills and/or potential within their profession and _d°5elY whh expemee Wlthlh ‘he Ameheeh Ihshmte of Phys‘
within the ASA as proposed by the applicants themselves. ‘C5 (AIP) °h ‘he deVe1°P‘hehl °f the de'h°g“‘Ph‘C 5“rVeY>
which will include questions that are also being used by
The Hhht heh°W5hiPe 40th ehhivehse-‘Y eelehmhoh 315° other national groups and professional societies to under-
served as a kiCk'°ff for ‘he fuhdmlsihg Campaign lo support stand membership demographics. The survey is completed
the ASA Early-Career Leadership Fellows endowment. We anonymously and data will only be used in reporting ‘he ag_
have a 3°31 t0 “he $300900 hy May 2019' Cad Rosenberg gregated characteristics across our membership. I hope that
and I are excited to be the cochairs of a committee spea.r- many ofyo“ will Pameipaee in ‘he survey
heading the “Campaign for ASA Early-Career Leadership”
(CAECL) along with the support of the Acoustical Society I VH3’ mhch Wm‘ to ‘hank Tees“ Bent. EC member alfld ‘he
Foundafion Board (acousticelsocjetyorg/foundam,n_fi1nd)_ current chair of the ASA Task Force on Membership En-
We encourage all ASA members and industry leaders in gagement and DiVe1'Sh1Y» ffif hef f01e in adwncing the de-
acoustics to join us as a CAECL supporter. Please visit the mographic survey. To continue the conversation about how
campaign’s website for more information and to donate P1'i“Cll71e5 Ofihdhslohz ‘hVe"5itY- and e‘l“hY can he lhC°’P°'
( Our hope is to name the first two ASA rated into the Societys practices to engage members from
Ear[y.(ja_ree; Leadership Fellow; in 20201 a variety of backgrounds more effectively, please join us
f 'l' “Il'.D",dE"
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diversity include the establishment of a new ASA standing . . . . . . .
_ _ _ _ _ _ ria, organized by Dominique Bouavichith, Kelly Whiteford,
committee, the International Liaison Committee chaired by and Evel HO hmd
Brigitte Schulte-Fortkamp. The charge for this new committee yn g '
is to heighten ASA’s international collaboration and commu- As I finish writing this column, I have only been ASA presi-
nication, working in coordination with the Society’s ongoing dent for a few weeks’ time. If you’ve been reading the ASA
efforts through the Committee on International Research and email broadcasts, though, you’ll already know that I am in-
a | AA:nulI:II:l T:i:Iay| hiizois

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