Page 9 - Fall_DTF
P. 9

From the President | Lily Wang
l ,  at Recent Actions on Roughly 26% of the Society membership is 40 years old or
t . _ Membership Engagement younger, composed of members (3%), associate members
‘ L and Diversity (13%), and student members (10%). A number of initia-
l I am honored and excited to tives have taken place to learn more about what is important
‘ be serving as the President to early-career members who are not students because the
H of the Acoustical Society of Society wishes to retain and recruit members in this group.
America (ASA) this year. I’ve been active in the Society for The ASA sponsored an “Early-Career Acousticia.ris Retreat”
over 20 years, primarily working in the areas of architec- at the spring 2016 meeting in Salt Lake City (
tural acoustics and noise. When I learned about acoustics EAR), and what we learned from that retreat has informed
from a high-school physics textbook, I immediately decided a number of activities the ASA has undertaken to support
that I wanted to be an acoustical consultant. After receiv- early-career members. Some of these happen at ASA meet-
ing a Bachelor of Science in civil engineering from Princeton ings (e.g., early-career travel awards to support attendance
University and a PhD in acoustics from Pennsylvania State at meetings, speed networking events, publication work-
University, I conducted postdoctoral research at the Techni- shops), and others aim to engage with those who cannot
ca.l University of Denmark, with support from the ASA F. V attend meetings in person (e.g., live streaming of sessions).
Hunt Postdoctoral Research Fellowship. After that, I joined For more details, please refer to the column written by Ex-
the new Architectural Engineering Program at the University ecutive Director Susan Fox in the fall 2017 issue of Acoustics
of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) as a.n assistant professor i.ri 2000, Today (
and I have enjoyed building my Career at UNL as a teacher When the ASA leadership began reenergizing early-career ini-
and research" ofbuflding acoustics‘ tiatives a few years ago, we sought to redefine the early-career
l recall going to my first meeting ofthe A5 A Technical C0ni_ stage as being linked to when one received their last degree
niittee of Architectural Acoustics (TCAA) in the late 1990s (Within 10 Yea“ otthat date) rather than by age 0"’ ‘heals’
and finding that I was one of only two women in the room. Shh“ “h-hhately led t° modifying the eligibility "e‘I“t'e‘“e“t5
Now when l go to a TCAA rneeting_ l am Pleased to see the for the R. Bruce Lindsay Award (
increased gender diversity. As a previous article in Acoustics 5° that the Pres‘-lSt°“5 “Ward is ‘W l°“Se’ limited dhectly bl’
Tilda}, highlighted (hit_ly/25Year§_wlA), this growth is han_ age (formerly, a recipient had to be age 35 or younger). Eligi-
Pening across our Society Many thanks to Arthur por,r,er_ bility may also be extended due to career interruptions that
editor of Acoustics Today, for dedicating this issue to honor 53“ C°“““°h1Y °CC'h' to‘ ea-'lY'C3’ee" ‘“e'“he’5> 5“Ch 35 fa-‘hill’
the contributions of women in A5 A and STEM fields; l am leave or military service. Other updates that affect prizes and
thrilled to be a part of this issue along with many esteemed 5l7eCi31feh°W5htl75 f°’Y°““Se’ '“emhe’5>l“5t “l7l7’°Ved bYthe
female eolieagiies_ Ettiflalt th/el ASA mleeltling i;]iMinnt;apolis, iri;lu‘i:/I; tl‘|EFI'€£l8In}l]Ilg
o e 'nori eowsito eames. esteowsi
I am “ow starting my fifth °°h5eC“hVe Yea" Oh the ASA ExeC“' in honor of theyASA gold II:l€d8l.lSt ind former president wh:
five Coundl (BC). having served Previously as Vice President played a large role in the formation of that fellowship in the
from 2014 t° 2017- This has give“ me 3 “&°“t"'°w seat” t0 the early 1990s. Iim has been a personal inspiration to me across
Progress that the Sedetyhas achieved ‘We’ the Past f°‘h' Ye“-"5 35 my acoustics career, ever since I first met him as an AT&T
We deVe1°l7ed and began "3 imP1eme“t Ch“-“fies i-“'hhe with the Graduate Research Fellow while working under ASA Fellow
ASA Strategic Leadership Plan for the Future ( Gary Ellttgs tutelage
That plan encompasses four primary goals, each to be ad- _ _ _ _
db Weious oiiecttvesl rum first residmfs Column I Another significant outcome is that the funds supporting
Vance .y J . Y  . ) the James E. West Fellowship have been officially trans-
wouldliketo draw attention to recent actions affecting mem- f d b th ASA ‘ ‘h A t_ 31 S _ F d t_
 enesem=m and  ;.:::. ..,.r...:.. ..;'., .2. ;.:::;:.... ::;:::..:::.:.:.‘::
One of the priority objectives identified was to expand to ensure the long-term viability of the award. The stipends
the promotion and participation of early-career members. of that fellowship and the Raymond H. Stetson Scholarship
nu 2018 1 Ar:i:iulI:lI:I ‘Parlay | 7

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