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volume 14 1 Issue 3 | Fall 2018
A ‘II-
-»:::::.-,.‘ L A A Puhlicaticin of the Acoustical Society cif America
iitset - - - - - I oda
6 Fram the Ed itnr 5 7 Physics-Based Signal Processing Appxoaches for
7 Fee,“ ehe presi de M, Underwater Acoustic Sensing — Lisa M. zark
Physics—based approaches can greatly improve the
Fea t u r e d Ar ti 1: I e s classification and localization of underwater sources in
complex propagation environments.
1 O In Her own Words: An Acoustic story — Marcia
Isukson analAleir Tolstoy seem, perspectives
over the last 50 years, women have gone from being _ _ _ _ _
tolerated in science to becoming a vital component. The E 2 Admii-isimive Ceininmee Repem Committee on
stories told "in her own words" in this article are from Meeimss — Clerk Pemd
‘hm ‘”}‘° 1"“ “- E 5 The Acoustical society of America and International
‘I 4 Building a sound Euture fox Students: considering N‘““ A“"’‘’“‘’“ D“ ’ L’ Km” I"““
the Acoustics in Occupied Active Classrooms E 7 Reflections from Three Early career Acousticians —
— Luum C. Brill, Kieren Smith, and Lily M. Wang sum}, M_ y,,,mg,,m,1 r),1e,]_ 1:]},,,,,
Acoustics in occupied active classrooms should be ,0 Ash“ Amumdm e Brigitte SW1 MP0’ mm? and
carefully considered because they may relate more to .
. . . . Micheal L. Dent
student achievement than unoccupied conditions.
as Human perception of sonic Booms from supersonic De Pa"‘"‘°"‘5
Aircraft — Alexandra Loalreau and Juliet Page 5 5 Foundation Report _ [mm H_ Mm”
Advances in human response research will help pave the _
way for a new era of commercial supersonic flight. 7 4 500k Reviews
Engineering Noise control, Fifth Edition
3 ‘I Acoustic Leaky Wave Antennas: Direction-Finding — David A. Bies, Colin H. Hansen. and Curl 0.
via Dispersion — Christina 1. Naify, Michael Huberman, Howard Review by Nina Xisng
M"“’‘“’ D- G'““' “"'1 W9" 5- SW‘ Human and Machine Hearing: Extracting Meaning
Acoustic leaky wave antennas use an analog aperture from sound — Richard F. Lyon
coupled to an active transducer to steer acoustic energy Review by Brian C. J. Moore
using spatial—to—specLral coupling.
7 E classifieds, Business Directory, Advertisers Index
a 9 Advancing Toward what will Be: speech Development
in Infancy and Early Childhood — lemiell C. Vick Abaug The cave,-
Acquiring speech, the most finely coordinated of human
skills, is a momentous accomplishment of early develop— Aggusgicg ms WWW)", We Pm-may 1,}, A,“ TOISW
merit. Lbd. EV unt ojthe aathars o]“In Her Own Words: An
V M ‘N Acoustic Story” and a founder u] the ASA’:
am when Two wrongs Make a Right; combining Aliased  ‘V , t Women in Acousiirs _C0mmi'“ee- Ifysu leek
Arrays to Find sound sources — Kathleen E. wage  ‘gr. ! ' 9, ‘7 ‘1"i_e’.V- 70" am see Pirfufes efeiirh if ‘he
_ _ _ s; :. l - n senior auzhorsjmrn this issue. see more a]Dr.
sparse array processing enables detection and localiza— .__. fl _ Trrlocys art at
tion of acoustic sources with fewer sensors than a more ;e_s_;__ '~ F» W» @2018 Alex T"1“°.V-
expensive uniform array.
can-reetiisn There was an error with Figure 4 in the article “Quantitative Ultrasound and the Management of Osteoporosis”
in the summer 2018 issue ofAeausti't:s Today. A corrected version of the figure is available at hllps://
2 | Acnultlcl Teieieiy | Fall 2013

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