Page 5 - Fall_DTF
P. 5

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With GRAS acoustlc sensors, _ _ _ .
you can trust your data regardless
. . Acoustic Sensors
of the application. , .
 :3’ Measurement microphone sets

Only GRAS offers a complete line of nign— fie V‘ Mimophone cartridges

performance standard and custom acoustic 3 ' Preamplifiers

sensors ideal for use in any research. test 8. L°W*n0iSe 5ef\5°|'5

measurement, and production applications. Our _ '"f'a5°”“d 5e"5°"5

microphones are designed for high quality, durabiiity ‘ H'9h resoluhon ear slmulators

\‘§, - ‘ Microphones for NVH
and performance that our R&D. GA, and production _$ y”,
K?" ‘p Head &torso simulators
customers have come to expect and trust. _ 9'“ fi
wk: Test xtures
- =" Custom designed microphones
Contact GRAS today for a free evaluation of ‘ $1‘. _ _
A Hemisphere & sound power kits
the perfect GRAS microphone for yourapplicaticn _ 1 calibration Systems and services
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