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Next Mcctllig‘
ai Sketch v - , -
° \-lctolla. Caiiada
Iennell C. Vick. PhD, is the executive
director of the Cleveland Hearing and _ _
' Speech Center, a century-old nonprofit ) - 9 N 0v C In be I 2‘ 0 1 8
_ whose mission is to ensure that all peo-
ple can communicate effectively. Her Regislra ti 0“ fa, Holel
research focuses on implementation sci- . I. . I.
ence in communication disorders, the "I 0r“_]‘l lo“
impact of developmental communication disorders on the 11“
intergenerational poverty cycle, and improving outcomes \\'\\' \\'. 3 (.'0llS1iC3 l SD C i C I _\' . org
in speech-language pathology, audiology, and vocational re-
habilitation for adults who are Dldeaf. She also studies the
movements that children and adults use to produce spoken
and si ed langu es us" different mediums for motion K Ev DATES
3“ fig  _ _ Funding Opportunlties: 7 September
capture as well as the effectiveness of visual biofeedback for Smdem -nansponauon subsidies: 3 odober
the tfeaflflent 0f1'95id“3-I 51799511 EITOYSA Prereglstration Deadline: 15 October
Discounted Hotel Rates : 10 October
Fall 2013 | Acnuulzlcl Tnduy | n7

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