Page 5 - Summer2019
P. 5

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with GRAS acoustic sensors. /’ , , ,
you can trust your data regardless
. . Acoustic Sensors
of the application. ., .
V \*“— 4"" Measurement microphone sets

Omy ems offers a cornmete hne ot nrgn- W/,5 * Mimphone carmdges
performance standard and custom acoustrc 7 1 Preamplifiers

sensor: idea! for use H'7 any rese:irch.te51& Low-noise sensors
measurement, and productron opphcationc our _ '""a5°“““‘ 5°"‘5°'5
mrcropnones are aesrgneo for hrgh quahty, duroomty “'9” ’°‘°'““°" ea’ “'"“""°"

whys, " ‘ Microphones for NVH
and performance that our R&D, OA. and proauetron é We
23- we. Head storso simulators
customers have some to expect and (rust 9"‘
we Test fixtures
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- H312» Custom designed microphones
Contact GRAS today for o free evamatron of , _
Q Hemisphere an suund power lots
the perfect GRAS rrucropnone fervour oopncotron / Calibration Systems and Services
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