Page 6 - Summer2019
P. 6

Editnr Acoustical Society of America
Arthur N. Popper | apo' victor w. sparrow, President
P B. Nels V" P Herit
Associate Editor €537 0”’ W '5'
M_ ch a] L D t [ d “ah gal d Diane Kewley~Porl, Priesident—Elect
le .eniuen, _
Stan E. Dusso, Vice Presii1eriteEIect
Book Review Editor Judy R Dubno, Treasurer
Philip L. Marston [ Christopher 1. Struck, Standards Directizr
. . Susan E, Fox, Executive Director

ASA Publications Staff

Mary Guillecnette | l'narygui].lemEttE(@Jai:0usticsluday.or*g ASA Web Development Office

Helen Wall Murray ] he]enwallmun-ay@ncuusl:ii:stoday.nrg Daniel Farrell | dfarrel.l@acoust:icstiiduy.oi-g

Kat Setzer [ kseizerrawatoustio-a1suciety.urg Visit the online edition ofAcaus!i'cs Today at Acoustlcs’l‘

Helen A. Popper, AT Cupyeditor | 

Acoustics Today Intern . " '

Giihrielle E. O'Brien | -.;;.':_-..._

_ _ "'""'.»\(:<)lis'rictli. sociimi

ASA Editor In Clue!  :. F‘ El»: _ e

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Acoustical Society of America

The Acoustical Society nfAn1eriu was founded in 1929 “to increase and ditluse the knowledge of acoustics and to promote its practical
applications.” Information about the Society can be fiiund on the Internet site: www.:cous1ica].wci¢

The Society has approximately 7,000 members, distributed worldwide, with liver 30% living outside the united States.

Membership includes a variety ofhenefits, a list ofwhich canhe found at the website:


All members receive nnline access to the entire contents of the journal i1fAcnu.rti'caI Sizriety qf America Emmi 1929 to the present. New
members are welcome, and several grades of membership. including low rates for students and for pel-suns living in developing cnuntries,
are pussible. Instructions for applying can be fuund at the Internet site above.

Acoustics Today (ISSN 15570215. zizdzri ATCUDKJ Surilrner 2019, volume 15. Issue 2. I: published quarterly by the Azimsiiml Sariety I:[Am:rir11. suite 3all,i:la5 wan
Whilmini izdt, Mzlvilll. NY 1I747~43t7l7. Pcn‘i.idi’caLi portage rates are paid ril Hlmnrigmrl Stntiim. NY. and additional mailing opiror. PDSTMASTER: Send addrers dmngzs to
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Today with the cuxtarilnry nzknawledgnlnil iifrhe saline. 7.. repnrir a figure, Lizblt, or arher rrcrrpt rzquircr ihe cunscrit rlfmvz afthe atnhilrs and natifialtiayi ta ASA. Address
rzquurs to AIPP Dficz ojxights and pmniiiians, suite JLll7,I3l)5 wazi Whitman Rd.. Mzlvillli NY 117474300 ;Fa.r (516) smzdsih Telephone (516) 57&Z268: E—rritzil:
r1ght:@i1l'p.i:rg. An elzflmnir vzrsian i.ifACDll5YlC5 Today ii airo available aniine. Viewing and iiuwnloadlrig izrtidexfrum the ariliiie she isfize ia all. The artide may not
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wivhiunpriar alpprawllfrom the Azuusricixl Society izjAmcri‘i:il ar iriiiicizted izliavc.

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