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ASA Fo u ndation Fund Lau nches Fa<eboo|u@acousticsorg
Major Fu ndra i sing Ca rn paign T“"l“"’@“°“‘”“°'9
Linkedlnz The Acoustical Society ofAmerica
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 for  Vimeo:Acoustica|Society
I :A ' IS ' fA '
Ea     d e  h I p l1§‘BgfIlII COUSKICB OCIEYYO merica
5“ F’p°”l"9 ‘he N9)“ G e“e”ll°" °f l-9“de'5 Fa(ebook: @JournaloftheAcoustica|SocietyofAmerica
Twitter: @ASA_JASA

To lurlher supporl lhe next generation 01 5Di€flli5lS

and dedicaled leaders in acoustics and lhe ASA. a Fa(eb°°k:@ASAP0MA
new leliowship program. ASA Early Career Leader— Twmer_@ASA POMA
ship Fellows. has been developed. The plan is to '
award lwo fellowships annually. each on Ihe order  
of $6.000. to support aclivilies that enhance the oI0Io,.
Fellows leadership skills andior potential within I"0n.".
iheir prolession and within the ASA, as proposed "°o.'n.'-
by the applicarils themselves. 0

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LEARN MORE hllps iiacnuslicalso-:ie[‘,i oiqiecifimpaign -..,_,,
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