Arthur N. Popper, Editor

From the Editor
(Full Article)

Serendipity: An Introduction

This is my last issue as editor of Acoustics Today (AT)! I started editing AT in 2014. During my term as editor, I have solicited and edited something like 275 scholarly articles and an equal number of shorter essays and other material, and I have enjoyed every minute of the “job.” I have met and worked with a grand array of Acoustical Society of America (ASA) members, learned an immense amount about acoustics and other scholarly fields, and have worked with the marvelous ASA Publications staff.

The winter 2024 issue of Acoustics Today featured essays about how serendipity has impacted the scholarly careers of over 20 members of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA). The response by readers to that issue has been great which has sparked the idea of inviting all ASA members  to share their serendipity stories to be posted on the Acoustics Today (AT) website.

We invite ASA members to think about their careers and submit an essay for posting on the AT page.  Click here for Information about the essay length, format, and submission instructions.

We look forward to receiving your essay.

Keith Wilson, Editor,
Arthur N. Popper, Editor Emeritus,

 To view or download the full issue, click the cover image. To read an individual article, click its title.

Fall 2024

Winter 2024

Sound Perspectives

Serendipity in Acoustics: An IntroductionArthur N. Popper
Serendipity in Science Education Steve Weinberg
A Series of Fortunate EventsTessa Bent
Serendipity in a Multidisciplinary Acoustic World Jonas Braasch
Serendipity Is the Company You KeepJohn R. Buck
Serendipity in My LifeIlene Busch-Vishniac
My Serendipitous Path to Cochlear ImplantsMonita Chatterjee
A Life UnplannedLawrence Crum
A Serendipitous Event Leading to a Career in Animal BioacousticsMicheal L. Dent
Serendipity in Acoustics: An Early Career JourneyJudy R. Dubno
In Life, Like Underwater Acoustics, Paths Are Seldom StraightMarcia J. Isakson
What a Wonderful WaveNicole Kessissoglou
A Serendipitous Spiral Path to a Career in HearingDarlene R. Ketten
My Career and Some Semiserious Scientific SerendipityJim Lynch
Guided by Serendipity: The Influence of Teachers on My Acoustics CareerAndrew Morrison
Blending Music Architecture and AcousticsPaul H. Scarbrough
My Serendipities: From Social Science to SoundscapeBrigitte Schulte-Fortkamp
A Serendipitous FriendshipKat Setzer
Serendipity in My LifeKathleen J. Vigness-Raposa
Scattered Serendipities: How to Make Sense of EverythingMichael Vorländer
Appreciating the Flow of Serendipity: Channeling a Career in Architectural AcousticsLily M. Wang
Predicting Sound Propagation in the AtmosphereD. Keith Wilson
Serendipitous Observations in the Study of Auditory PerceptionWilliam A. Yost