Interviews with Latin American Acousticians by Dr. Ernesto Accolti

Ernesto Accolti was born in San Juan Province in Argentina. He did his undergraduate studies in sound and acoustics engineering at the Technological University of Chile (2000-2006) and his Ph.D. in engineering at the National University of Rosario (UNR) in Argentina (2009-2015). He has served in the organization of the International Congress on Acoustics, ICA 2016 and its satellite International Symposium on Musical and Room Acoustics, ISMRA 2016 as well as several congresses of the Argentine Association of Acoustics (AdAA). He was the professor of room acoustics from the Sound Engineering program at the National University of Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires (2010-2012), then at the Superior Institute of Music from the National University of El Litoral, Santa Fe (2013-2016), and currently at the National University of San Juan (UNSJ). Ernesto is concluding a Postdoctoral fellowship from the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), under the supervision of Prof. Fernando di Sciascio and co-supervision of Prof. Federico Miyara. His workplace is the Institute of Automatics, dependent of UNSJ and CONICET. He serves in the Subcommittee on acoustics and electoacoustics of the Argentine Institute of Standardization (known by its acronym IRAM). He is an Acoustics Today Intern. His academic interests are concert hall acoustics, room acoustics, soundscape, and noise control.
Welcome to Interviews with Latin American Acousticians, a new feature of the Acoustics Today. The interviews will be presented in English as well as in Spanish. Over the course of 2017, a total of six acousticians will be interviewed. The selection criterion involves excellence in their academic and research careers, but also diversity on topics, age, gender, and location. Many excellent acousticians do not appear in this section since the intention is not to list all of them. And there is no attempt to “rank” the interviewees.
Through the interviews we will talk about their education in acoustics, their current responsibilities and work they have done. Some of them are quite involved with acoustics societies and groups.
The main idea is to share experiences around the acoustics science its interdisciplinary and about internationalization of acoustics. We will see how some national societies on acoustics were born, the relation of theses acousticians with other well known acousticians in other regions and continents.
Hope you enjoy Interviews with South American Acousticians!
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