Figure 4b. The 3D reconstruction from CT scans of the head of a stranded male Blainville’s beaked whale shows the skin surface (translucent) and the characteristic male tusks and skull shape. The right tusk has lost its tip from trauma or decay. Two videos accompany this image, one showing a set of CT scans of the head and the second shows the reconstruction of the head built upon the CTs.


A video accompanies these images that examines the head of a stranded female Cuvier’s beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris) showing the surface (translucent) and the skull.  Two tusks shown embedded in the lower jaw are typical of females and juvenile males of this species.  Only the adult male has erupted, externally visible tusks.  As the video image rotates to a ventral view the exceptionally dense ear bones (white) can be seen just inside and slightly posterior to the mandibles (lower jaw bones).