Acoustical Society of America
The premier international scientific society in acoustics, dedicated to increasing and diffusing the knowledge of acoustics and its practical applications.
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Speech in Autism Spectrum Disorder by Karen v. Chenausky

History of Dolphin Biosonar Research by Whitlow W. L. Au

4 • The World Through Sound: Acoustic Pressure
Equilibrium is all around us, and without it we wouldn’t have sound. We learn about acoustic acoustic pressure and how systems vary around equilibrium.

James L. Flanagan
James L. Flanagan, a former ASA President, ASA Gold Medal awardee, and recipient of the National Medal of Science, died Aug. 25, 2015 in Warren, NJ, at the age of 89. For more than half a century Jim Flanagan has conducted and led research in the area of speech. His...

Obituary | David Alan Bies
Foundation News

From the President
From the President
From the Editor
From the Editor

Psychoacoustics: A Brief Historical Overview – by William A. Yost

Where the Decibels Hit the Water: Perspectives on the Application of Science to Real-World Underwater Noise and Marine Protected Species Issues – by Amy R. Scholik-Schlomer
Where decibels hit the water