Acoustical Society of America
The premier international scientific society in acoustics, dedicated to increasing and diffusing the knowledge of acoustics and its practical applications.
Enjoy the latest Acoustical Society News…

Reading, Writing, and the Acoustical Society of America – by Allan D. Pierce
Reading, Writing, and the Acoustical Society of America...

Lending an Ear in the Courtroom: Forensic Acoustics – by Robert C. Maher
Lending an Ear in the Courtroom- Forensic Acoustics Forensic acoustics deals with acquisition, analysis, and evaluation of audio recordings to be used as evidence in an official legal inquiry.

Nonreciprocal Acoustics – Romain Fleury, Dimitrios Sounas, Michael R. Haberman and Andrea Alù
Nonreciprocal Acoustics New nonreciprocal acoustic devices put sound on a one-way street.

Update on Acoustical Society of America Publications from the Editor in Chief – James F. Lynch
From the EIC

3 • The World Through Sound: Wavelength
Welcome to the third installment of “The World Through Sound,” the Acoustics Today web series that shows how understanding just a few concepts in acoustics can change the way you see the world around you. Last time we considered frequency and how the relationship...

2 • The World Through Sound: Frequency
Frequency and time are deeply connected, and sound can teach us about one of the most confusing principles in quantum mechanics!

Allan D. Pierce – A Celebration of a Career in Acoustics In Commemoration of His Retirement As Editor-in-Chief of the ASA – Jerry H. Ginsberg and Peter H. Rogers

1 • The World Through Sound: Sound Speed
The speed of sound affects more than just sound: it’s the fundamental speed of classical mechanics.