Video 1. Excerpt from Inside Nature’s Giants: Big Cats, Windfall Films, showing laryngoscopic demonstration of human vocal folds in action (Ariella Reidenberg, patient, and Dr. Peak Woo, laryngologist in New York), and an explanation of how they are used to regulate internal pressure (by Dr. Jeffrey T. Laitman, Professor and Anatomist at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York).

Video 2. Excerpt from Inside Nature’s Giants: The Hippo, Windfall Films, showing author demonstrating hippo larynx anatomy and an animation of sound production.

Video 3. Excerpt from Inside Nature’s Giants: The Whale, Windfall Films, showing author demonstrating fin whale vocal folds and corniculate flaps and an animation of laryngeal sac function.

Video 4. Excerpt from Inside Nature’s Giants: Sperm Whale, Windfall Films, showing author demonstrating the phonic lip anatomy in a sperm whale and an animation of nasal sound production.

Video 5. Endoscopic examination of phonic lips in a live dolphin with monitor showing lip vibrations (insets) synchronized with oscilloscope of sound production from microphone. Video is courtesy of Dr. Ted Cranford and is part of the cited Cranford et al., 2011 article that can be found at – MMCvFirst