Foundation News
From the Education and Outreach Coordinator – Keeta Jones
From the Editor – Arthur N. Popper
Book Announcement – Hearing Aids Editors: G. R. Popelka, B. C. J. Moore, R. R. Fay, A. N. Popper (Eds.)
Book Review- American Luthier, Carleen Hutchins – The Art & Science of the Violin Author: Quincy Whitney
Obituary | Donald C. Teas | 1927-2016
Obituary | Edwin L. Carstensen | 1919-2016
Obituary | Leo Leroy Beranek | 1914-2016
Engaging Early Career Acousticians in the Acoustical Society of America – Tessa Bent
Biomedical Acoustics – by Nathan McDannold
The Technical Committee (TC) on Biomedical Acoustics (BA), one of the most diverse groups in the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), is composed of individuals whose interests cover a broad range of diagnostic and therapeutic applications or, more generally, the interaction of sound with biological materials.
A History of Speech Production Research – by Maureen Stone and Christine H. Shadle
Many of the initial assumptions about speech and how we produce it turned out to be wrong; these myths reveal the complexity of the process.
Highway Traffic Noise – by Judith L. Rochat and Darlene Reiter
Understanding highway traffic noise sources and how to abate them and addressing health concerns and environmental protection legislation and regulations.
The Acoustics of Brass Musical Instruments – by Thomas R. Moore
All brasswind instruments have several things in common but being made of brass is not one of them.
James Clerk Maxwell and the Physics of Sound – by Philip L. Marston
The 19th century innovator of electromagnetic theory and gas kinetic theory was more involved in acoustics than is oft en assumed.
Sound and Marine Seismic Surveys – by Robert C. Gisiner
Underwater sound has been used for over 50 years in marine geological research and exploration.