Acoustical Society of America
The premier international scientific society in acoustics, dedicated to increasing and diffusing the knowledge of acoustics and its practical applications.
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Residential Quietude, the Top Luxury Requirement – Bonnie Schnitta
The acoustic requirements and laws and the secrets to meeting them for single and multifamily residences.

11 • The World Through Sound: Linearity
The laws of physics may not always be simple, but with some clever use of math, scientists can pretend that they are.
Psychological and Physiological Acoustics – Andrew J. Oxenham
Members of the Psychological and Physiological Acoustics Technical Committee have varied interests related to all aspects of hearing.

Acoustics of Regionally Accented Speech – Ewa Jacewicz
Violin Acoustics Media – Colin E. Gough
Video 1. Helmholtz string wave excited by slip-stick mechanism of moving bow (University of New South Wales, courtesy of Joe Wolfe). Audio 1 Audio 2 Audio 3 Video 2. Visualisation of empty shell modes in vacuum before...