Acoustical Society of America
The premier international scientific society in acoustics, dedicated to increasing and diffusing the knowledge of acoustics and its practical applications.
Enjoy the latest Acoustical Society News…

Obituary | Leif Bjørnø

Preventing Occupational Hearing Loss — Time for a Paradigm Shift – William J. Murphy
Physical Acoustics – Josh Gladden
Members of the Physical Acoustics Technical Committee have varied interests related to the physics underlying acoustic wave generation, propagation, and detection.

The Evolution of Mammalian Sound Localization – Henry E. Heffner and Rickye S. Heffner

Walter H. Munk- Seventy-Five Years of Exploring the Seas

The Invention and Evolution of the Piano – Nicholas Giordano
The piano was invented 300 years ago—and the instrument has changed considerably since then.

8 • The World Through Sound: Resonance
Resonance can shatter glass and destroy bridges, but we learn why you don’t have to worry about everything shaking apart around you.

The Penn State Acoustics Program at 50 by Victor W. Sparrow, Jiri Tichy, Anthony A. Atchley and Sabih I. Hayek

On-Demand Cavitation from Bursting Droplets by Mark T. Burgess and Tyrone M. Porter